Jessica Biel plays a hard-luck stripper in “Powder Blue”

It ain’t easy being pretty in Hollywood.

New clips went up this weekend from “Powder Blue,” Jessica Biel’s latest film, which premieres May 8. It’s a “Crash”-type ensemble piece about the intertwining lives of unhappy people just trying to get by.

But, as notes, it will probably always be known as the “movie Jessica Biel is topless in.” (The site also has clips and an interview with the actress.)

Biel plays a stripper in need of money to support her child, who has medical issues. It’s a well-worn trope and has garnered the indie film a lot of what might be the wrong kind of attention. That’s a shame because “Powder Blue’s” trailer hints the film, which comes out May 8, might actually be good.

Of course, the reel is riddled with revealing shots of Biel, but her acting also seems believable. Add to that a cast that includes Forest Whitaker, Kris Krisofferson and the great Ray Liotta, and there may be other reasons to see this movie.


Biel is obviously trying to stretch herself as an actress. Along with the the cheese on her resume, she’s chosen films like “The Illusionist,” “Home of the Brave” and her other film this year, “Easy Virtue.”

“Virtue,” which premieres at the Tribeca Film Festival this month, is a ’20s-set comedy of manners which features Biel as a brassy American meeting her new husband’s very British parents for the first time.


It’s a talky and smart role, based on a Noel Coward play. But it’s not getting much talked about.

After all, people don’t immediately think of Jessica Biel when they think of Noel Coward. And therein lies the problem for her.

Hollywood is littered with actresses who’ve had to leverage their looks for better roles.

Halle Berry, for instance, was not likely the first name that came to mind when “Monster’s Ball” was being cast. Before that, she was best known as the girl from “B*A*P*S.”

But she took a risk and took it off and won an Oscar for her efforts. Now Biel’s doing the same.

Sometimes it works…and sometimes it’s “Showgirls.”