Do not rage against corrupt politicians; if it were not for politicians we should fall into anarchy, and your opportunity will be wasted. God has worked a long time and very patiently to bring us up to where we are in industry and government, and He is going right on with His work. There is not the least doubt that He will do away with plutocrats, trust magnates, captains of industry, and politicians as soon as they can be spared; but in the meantime, behold they are all very good. Wallace D. Wattles, “The Science Of Getting Rich”

In a moment I will show you why we should all be happy and should be thanking these ridiculous politicians selling us all down the river. Or up $#!* Creek without a paddle, whichever you prefer. But first, allow me to get a little wordy on something about which I am very passionate.

There is something that I, and most successful people in this world, do when times get tough. We refuse to participate in the negative spiral. I was recently re-reading the fantastic book mentioned above in order to clear my head of the swirling vomitous miasma that is news these days. And it, once again reminded me of something. When times get tough, the tough get tweaking. And no that’s not a drug reference. That is the constant attitude adjustment and effort to remain positive in the face of seemingly unending negatives. And believe me folks, it ain’t easy.

See, most people dwell in the negative. Why? Well, because it’s easy. It’s easy to simply agree when someone says life is hard, I can’t get ahead because of “The Man,” or my butt really does look big in these jeans. Okay, the last one’s more neutral, but probably true. Someone had to say it. It’s easy not to speak up and disagree; to simply go with the flow and allow lower expectations. The trick is to know when to take a stand. We all have a choice (at least for now anyway). And I say always choose the positive. Granted the positive is actually the negative answer in the eternal “Jeans” question. FYI.

Being positive is hard work. Really really hard work. Especially in the midst of what it seems we are powerless to stop. We are saddled with the least popular legislative branch in history ramming bills down our throat and they have no idea what’s in them. We have a very articulate President, as long as he has his teleprompter, running like a giddy cheetah toward his Marxist style roots. And an economy teetering on the brink; a big ole’ camel waiting for that last straw and our leaders are standing over him with a hay bale ready to drop. So where’s the upside?

Well the brilliant Mr. Wattles also said “To think according to appearance is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious, and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work man is called upon to perform.” And he said all this in 1910. Lord knows we’ve seen worse times since then. Much worse than now. But we still have to muster up the courage to remain positive.

So here’s some “happy fodder” for you to ponder. Life moves in cycles. We go up, we go down. There is good, there is bad. Oprah gets big, Oprah gets thin. Ah, the circle of life. These cycles will work for us conservatives as well. And the way things are going, we could be looking at a fairly quick backlash against this ultra liberal juggernaut we are seeing now. Look at all the amazing uprisings of so many tea parties not even 100 days in. Witness Barack Obama’s backhanded optimism in listing negative after negative after negative and then a slight, “but we will persevere.” How uplifting. No plans, no real stimulus, zero new ideas. The lefties in the Congress and Senate now reaching a level of smuggery that only self-loving Hollywood elites used to pull off. Truly amazing. And quite off putting. YAY!

Didn’t we see this during Clinton’s terms? Why yes, yes we did. And then we had a Republican landslide in the midterms. As more and more people understand and see the truth of what the left, or should I say, this left stands for; there will be a backlash. The tide will turn and clearer heads will prevail. So let’s be happy and have faith that all that is happening is being done for the greater good above party, above idealism, above politics. And this time, let’s be ready when the pendulum swings. Let’s demand more from our leaders so that we are not afraid to speak up for what is right. We already have to hold our side to a higher standard due to the never ending media colonoscopy our side enjoys on a daily basis. But now, let’s take it even further. Let’s hold ourselves to a higher standard.

If we can just find a leader with the optimism and vision of Ronald Reagan; we have a shot. Who knows, maybe we should look in Texas again. I am seeing some good things happening there…. Hmmm. So be of good cheer. Smile. Say thank you to all your lefty friends (but don’t tell them why, of course; less eye gouging that way), put a spring back in your step, and be firm in the knowledge that it’s only a matter of time. Our mess may be bigger to clean up this time and we will not get credit for it regardless, but when did that stop the positive movers and shakers? Let’s not seek approval this time. This time, we lead.