During this past week’s “Tea Party” protests across the country, this reporter monitored the Twitter and Facebook chatter amongst his Hollywood actor and writer friends. It was an absolute, eye-opening education on the effectiveness of hard-left indoctrination.

Note: Out of respect for my friends and peers, I deliberately and carefully paraphrased any postings or “tweets” listed here so as to protect the anonymity of the poster. Unlike many hard-core liberals I know, I enjoy having friends with opposing points of view and I don’t want abuse to come to them.

That said, the following are the best examples out of several short messages from Obama supporters quietly protesting the “Tea Parties.”

1) How about taking “tea party” passion and all of the tea and instead of dumping it give those in need something to drink?

Evidently, there’s a “death by dehydration” epidemic spreading throughout metropolitan Los Angeles that caught me by surprise.

That said, this demonstrates the dim view by the hard left that anyone protesting excessive taxes is inherently selfish and wants the poor to suffer. It assumes that all taxes go directly to the poor and never to ridiculously wasteful government programs, brain dead federal employees and pork. If you don’t want the government to take more and more of the money you earn, it’s not because you distrust the effectiveness of big government. It’s because you hate the underprivileged.

Of course, this lazy worldview is completely blind to the possibility that any individual could oppose ever-growing taxation and still make donations to a non-profit or volunteer at their local (Gasp!) church. Any such possibility is pointless to imagine because if you reject taxes — if you so much as question the President proposing them — you’re a miserly racist.

2) It’s so silly, environmentally damaging and ignorant.

Make no mistake here. Simple reactions like this grow out of the hard left’s inherent, knee-jerk smugness and insecurity. They’re so deeply invested in shaky propositions like Obama’s economic theory and the tired global warming debate that any uprising against any such cause enrages them.

It’s silly and ignorant to question your government? Tea leaves are environmentally damaging? No. What’s ignorant and damaging is bowing, scraping and coughing up endless supplies of money to a ready-made king in the White House without asking what he wants it for, why he’s asking for so much so quickly, or when he’ll stop asking for it.

That’s the most disturbing part of the opposition to the taxpayer revolt. No one on the hard left is debating the taxes themselves, their amounts, their purpose, etc. They’re simply attacking the protesters for having the unmitigated snot to stand up to the Cult of Obama and ask questions. It’s hero worship turned ugly.

3) They’re not overly good at sharing. They need to go back to kindergarten.

There’s the ultimate achievement of brainwashing by the hard left. They’ve got their followers believing that it’s generous — even a privilege –to pay taxes. Yes, you’re required by law to pay them, but apparently you’re supposed to enjoy shelling out — to be grateful for the opportunity to contribute to society’s great need and to participate in Obama’s master plan.

Sure, you might’ve been able to make a charitable donation you approve of with said money. You might have made a purchase that helps maintain someone in a job — or even started a small business to keep multiple people employed. But it’s better to turn your brain and ambition off and simply write out the check. Hand over the money, smile, and be grateful that the all-powerful and ever-wise federal government is there to decide what to do with your money. Anyone who doesn’t realize the privilege Washington bestows upon them is ignorant and racist.

(How do I “tweet” me sitting here, sadly shaking my head on how dead the maverick, independent American spirit really is?)