When my son was in high school he was a member of the Air Force ROTC. As the young men and women drilled around the campus, leftist teachers would slam the doors on them in hate and anger, thus putting the lie to the oft-stated canard, “We support the troops but not the war in Iraq.”

When we hear about “the culture war” this is the war that we’re in at home, it’s between those who believe in things bigger than themselves and those who fear things bigger than themselves. Why do they fear patriotic children? Because patriotism is, to the Modern Liberal, an act of bigotry. As you watch America’s new Commander-in-Chief running around the world belittle America, apologizing for “wrongs” that weren’t even committed by us (such as “colonialism” which was the Europeans) and literally bowing down before the “Keeper of the Holy places,” the Saudi King, you must recognize that he does so because he believes that love for America is bigotry and if there’s one thing a Leftist is not (in his own mind) it’s a bigot.

The Modern Liberal believes – as he does with guns being the cause of crime – that soldiers are the cause of war and that his Utopia would exist if it wasn’t for the patriot. This is exactly as John Lennon chronicled it in the Modern Liberal anthem “Imagine.” They imagine “no countries” and that starts first and foremost with the destruction of the greatest country in the history of the world. Add in the Leftist’s dream of a world where no God exists to compete with their own self-importance (think Barack Obama yet again) and the most telling line is for everyone to imagine a time where anything and everything is devalued to the point where “There’s nothing (left) to kill or die for.”

So, you men and women in the U.S. Military, are not only good, decent, smart and patriotic Americans, you are the heirs to the real and great America of The Greatest Generation and those who came before them. Somehow, against the onslaught of our enemies at home – the leftist news media that constantly slants its stories against America, the leftist entertainment industry which doesn’t even have to wait to find out the truth before making movies about the evil America solider in Iraq, and the leftist education system that literally slams the doors in young patriots’ faces — you have found and held, and most importantly protect, the real and great America – the one that no president (save leftist Jimmy Carter and now his heir, Barack Obama) has ever felt the need to apologize for.

So, first, I say with all my heart, thank you and God bless you and then I vow that while you fight and win our wars abroad, I will fight for the real and good America in our culture war at home. Again, God bless you and thank you and may God continue to bless America!