My Name is Ari David

Many of you have read my blogs. I have been a producer, writer and stand up comedian in LA for about 10 years. I am now taking on a new project by running for Congress and in so doing, challenging Henry Waxman for his seat.

A wise man once made the observation that all politics is local and a critical issue that I am challenging Henry Waxman on is how local television and film production are disappearing from the LA area.

Henry Waxman has been in office since 1975 and has presided over a massacre in the local entertainment business and been completely out of touch with the constituents’ needs on this issue. If a Congressman from any other district in the nation allowed a local mill or industry to go out of business or move away, that elected official would have had to answer to his constituents and would have been forced to pay attention to the local crisis and provide solutions and financial relief for the industry in order to preserve the jobs and livelihoods dependent upon the industry’s existence. Henry Waxman has done none of this and now is the time for the people of this district to show him the way to a new job and elect me, a leader who is in touch with the district’s needs to save and protect this industry.

The entertainment business is a source of jobs and revenue for the regions of Southern California but it is much more to our nation. For the whole of the country the entertainment business provides a unified popular culture that unites diverse people from different regions of the country with a common social fabric. This, along with sports and music gives a common denominator of understanding between people who have little in common other than that they are American. This leads to national unity and to a great extent, peace.

Henry Waxman’s Congressional career has been 17 terms long thus far and in that time local film and TV production has headed north to Canada, South to Australia, East to Poland and Bulgaria and West to Hong Kong and Bollywood. Recently Domestic box office revenue has been eclipsed by foreign revenue. This is not such a bad thing upon initial inspection until the true cost is quantified. The true cost being that foreign entities and interests now control the content of American entertainment projects.

Soon Sharia compliant financing entities from Dubai and Saudi Arabia will be financing even more content. This is one of the reasons why, along with political correctness that we rarely see Muslim villains instead of Neo-Nazis, skinheads, white supremacist, capitalists, serial polluters or the nefarious Belgians as the bad guys in most action films.

American entertainment is being tailored not for Pete in Peoria but for the elitists from Cannes and San Sebastian or for Yachting oligarchs on the Amalfi coast.

What can a humble Congressman do to resolve this? Well, if you are Henry Waxman Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee in The House of Representatives, quite a bit actually. If he cared to he could get federal tax breaks and incentives for production activity in the district. Pass special revenue tax exceptions for local filmed material. Help production entities streamline their interfacing with state and local officials to make the permitting process easier and that’s just the beginning. In short, it would be easy for him. Unfortunately, Henry Waxman’s interests lie elsewhere. Our voters must learn that our interests lie with someone other than Waxman. Our interests lie with someone like me.


Then, You’ll Want To Put This On Your Event Calendar:



8 p.m. Saturday Evening

July 25th, 2009

Meet & Greet

At the UPSTAIRS PATIO of the Famed Hollywood Watering Hole:


7156 Santa Monica Boulevard

(One block west of La Brea)

Next to the former Warner-Hollywood Studio Lot

Ari David plans to seek the GOP nomination for CA-30, to challenge the incumbent Henry Waxman for Congress. If Cap & Trade seems more like slap and tax; if global warming sounds like excuses to raise taxes and raze jobs; if missile defense cuts make you nervous over Israel’s and America’s safety; if you’re just sick-&-tired of the old-&-tired ‘representation’ by Waxman –

No charge to join us,

No donation required

Bring your conservative creative compatriots –

Neo-cons, Paleo-cons, Mod-cons & Classic-cons:

This is a Modern Hollywood Conservative event to meet and greet your fellows on the right – as well as the aspiring candidate planning a ‘statewide campaign to defeat Waxman’ in the most ‘Hollywood’ of all districts.

You are The Ones Ari is waiting for.

It’s only 67 weeks left to the election, and time’s a wastin’!

See – then come The Formosa to meet the first Modern Hollywood Conservative candidate for Congress.

Come to a cash-bar/cash-menu drop-in social-political networking event.


The first unintended victim of almost every government program is common sense. I would like to bring some common sense back to our political sphere. I hope my views on these issues provide it.”

Ari David