You may not know who Mr. John Finn is, but you should. He is one of the true heroes who live among us. Today Mr. Finn turned 100-years-old. To simply live to that age may, to some, be an accomplishment in itself but to know who this man is and what he has done should amaze and humble you even more.

On Dec 7th 1941 many Heroes were made. John Finn received the Medal of Honor for his bravery on that day. He says he doesn’t deserve it and simply holds it for all the others who fought and died that December day. I disagree. On that December morning John held his position firing on the enemy for over two hours even though he himself had been hit 21 times. Several of his wounds were serious. Once the skies were quiet he sought medical help only after being ordered to. He then returned to help rearm the remaining airplanes at Kanoehe Bay. Because Kanoehe was hit five minutes before Pearl Harbor, many believe that John Finn is the first man to earn the Medal of Honor during WW2. But when you sit and listen to his stories he will tell you of his men, not of himself. Even at 100-years-old his mind is sharp and he loves to share his stories with those who will listen. And if you get the chance to meet Mr. Finn, listen to his stories for they are truly amazing.

John, my son Anthony, and I

I had the very humbling honor of sitting with him for several hours this past April at the Gainesville, TX Medal of Honor Week. In those hours I not only heard the stories of history from a man who lived it, I made a friend. While talking to his caretaker, Francis, I was stating how I can no longer take care of my son who was killed in Iraq and now feel it is my duty to take care of my son’s brothers in arms. Mr. Finn stopped in the middle of his conversation, pointed at me and said, “I like you missy. You get it.” He told me, “We can only mourn those who have fallen in war. We must honor them by taking care of those who come home, especially our wounded.” This put into words what my mission for the past year and a half.

Happy Birthday, John. I hope you have many more to come. You are truly a gift to this nation and me.