Gold Star Mothers

Articles by Gold Star Mothers

Gold Star Mother: Deborah Tainsh

Betrayed by Liberal Hollywood Psychologists say that a parent’s grief over the death of a child is “the most difficult loss to endure and surely among the most difficult to integrate into one’s life” because our children are an enormous

Gold Star Mom: Debbie Argel-Bastian

To Hollywood Logan is trying to understand, but he is only four. His father’s plane went down in Iraq on Memorial Day of 2008. When asked about his dad, he puts his hand on his heart and says, “My daddy

Gold Star Mother: Debbie Lee

Hollywood Use Your Influence, Show Your Gratitude Hollywood wake up! In case you hadn’t noticed or forgot, we have noble, courageous, brave, and selfless men and women serving heroically in Iraq and Afghanistan. My son Marc Alan Lee was one