In response to the outrage at the Leftist Congress that has been voiced by ordinary Americans in Town Hall events around the country, the Democrats have opted – typically – not to address the peoples’ concerns, but rather to demonize those who get in their way.

Rather than admitting there’s something wrong with passing our country’s nation-altering health-care legislation without having even read the bill, the Left, once again, is engaging in the “There’s Something the Matter with Kansas” meme, and that it is the people — not the far-left Democrats — who have something the matter with them!

The most frequently heard slander about the people who are attending the Town Hall meetings in unprecedented numbers is that they are “angry” – as if their anger is somehow proof that their arguments aren’t legitimate.

But “the people” have plenty to be angry about:

Eight months ago, the fledgling Obama administration told us we had to spend $787 billion dollars immediately or we’d go into a depression as deep as that of the 1930s. The Democrats used their majority to rush into law the president’s request, although not one member of Congress had even read the bill. Clearly, the urgency was bogus, as the president went golfing that very weekend and didn’t sign the bill until the middle of the following week. We all now know what 217 out of 220 Republican’s in Congress knew then, which was that it was a bad bill and bound for failure. And guess what? It failed! To this day, not one single American taxpayer knows where that money has gone, outside of payments to ACORN and Hamas.

It’s no wonder people are angry!

A similar ploy is now being used to ram Health-care legislation through Congress – again, unread! On July 16, the Congressional Budget Office, the non-partisan arbiter for a piece of legislation’s affordability, issued a report saying that the health-care plan making its way through Congress would only add to the deficit and effectively put BIG government between the patient and his or her health-care provider.

Yet, the plan marches forward with another Obama-imposed artificial deadline only two weeks after the Congress returns to session on September 15. This power-play by the administration is planned despite the fact that every poll shows the American people are dead-set against the Democrats’ plan to take control of another 1/6th of the American economy.

It’s no wonder people are angry!

Yet another of the president’s trillion-dollar schemes — cap and tax – emerges and proves empirically to be an ill-conceived “plan” based on unproven scientific theories that would all but guarantee that China or India (who don’t subscribe to Al Gore’s, business-killing junk-science) will overtake the United States as the world’s greatest economic superpower, with all of the security consequences this guarantees.

It’s no wonder people are angry!

When the American people cannot find a television channel – save one -that doesn’t willingly support and abet President Obama’s clear, leftist agenda — an agenda that should send chills down one’s spine not up their leg — you wonder why they’re angry!

As if all the above were not reasons enough for the legitimate anger of concerned Americans across the land, consider the way the president hopscotches the globe apologizing for his own country while hundreds of thousands of our troops are on the frontlines fighting and dying for it!

While the president treats our long-trusted, staunch allies like Great Britain and Israel shabbily (to say the least) – one got 25 DVD’s as a gift and the other got told where its citizens can live! – he warmly embraces Socialist thugs like Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega, Bolivia’s Evo Morales, and then bows obsequiously at the waist to the Saudi King.

It’s no wonder people are angry!

And when the president – who admitted not knowing the facts — engages in the racial stereotyping and racial animus that he promised he was above and slanders America’s finest law-enforcement officers by attacking the members of the Cambridge Police Department…

It’s truly no wonder why the people are angry!

When the White House’s official website asks that citizens’s turn in fellow citizen’s email addresses if “misinformation” (which is anything that disagrees with the liberal view) about health care is spread, then all Americans have both the right and the responsibility to be angry!