Since writing Censorship: The Threat to Silence Talk Radio published in May by Simon & Schuster, I’ve been watching developments at the FCC closely. The book suggested the left had a hidden agenda to silence conservative talk radio and that they never were serious about re-instating the Fairness Doctrine because there was a better way to silence conservatives. I quoted Craig Aaron of Free Press, a liberal media watchdog group with inside connections to the FCC ,who said: “I don’t support re-instating the Fairness Doctrine not because I don’t support the goals, but because I think it’s the wrong way to go about it.” In other words, there is a RIGHT way to go about it – to muzzle conservative talk radio.

The right way appears to be Mark Lloyd, the FCC’s Chief Diversity Officer, a man who literally hates conservative talk. Apparently, diversity does not include conservative talk radio. As documented by the Media Research Center and others, Mark Lloyd thinks that if conservative broadcasters don’t present liberal points of view, they should be fined and the money given to public broadcasters.

Lloyd co-wrote his recommendations in a well-publicized report “The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio” in June of 2007, that skewered conservative talk radio as we documented in Censorship. A few weeks later, he wrote this about conservative talk: “The status quo does not serve our democracy well. We want to create more ownership opportunities and more speech focused on local interests. We want either clear rules that promote these First Amendment values or a reasonable payment to the public for the use of its property [the airwaves].”

Mark Lloyd does not care that the liberal point of view permeates all media and that talk radio presents the only conservative alternative. Like all far-left loons, he wants it all. He wants a tightly regulated media to push aside conservative talk radio and this is why he thinks any call for the Fairness Doctrine is unnecessary – because there are other ways to accomplish the same results. Mark Lloyd is a danger to speech in the free marketplace of ideas. He is only partially right when he says “conservative talk radio dominates the airwaves of the country.” Conservative talk dominates only the talk radio airwaves and he is less than honest when he doesn’t tell you that talk radio listeners represent a minority when compared to all other media users. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is he wants to destroy conservative talk as his writings suggest. And, if there is any question to his motives, take a look at this video in which he praises Hugo Chavez of Venezuela – a dictator who has taken over his country’s media.


Big brother is here. He’s Mark Lloyd. Because he has shown his hate for conservative talk radio in many writings, how in the world can he claim the title of “Chief Diversity Officer” at the FCC? At best it is hypocrisy. At worst, it exposes what many of us have been warning – that Obama and his left-wing loons want no opposition. The left has panned our warnings about mitigating conservative values by shutting down the conservative voice. They have voiced their opposition to a return of the Fairness Doctrine hoping to lull us to sleep. But, they cannot deny their stealth approach to censor conservative talk in America any longer. As they stated earlier….there is no need for the Fairness Doctrine because it is the “wrong way to go about it.” And now you know the right way. Meet Mark Lloyd.