Recently, actor Matt Damon narrated a video for the State Department, addressing the problem of chronic worldwide hunger. The video is extremely well made; those who watch it can’t help but be touched by it.

This first minute of the three-minute video revolves around one problem: Hunger. Poor children are seen dying of starvation, others are lying on the streets of third-world countries, not able to walk. Damon explains that six million children die of hunger every year – needless to say, a shocking statistic.

Even the most egotistical viewer cannot help but get angry at and upset by so much suffering, most of which is needless.

But then, one minute into the video, the subject suddenly changes. We move from dying children to tornadoes and tsunamis. Damon forgets about the children for a while to focus on … you knew it was coming … global warming.

Dying, hungry, suffering children are used as tools to talk about leftists’ main obsession; the myth of man-made global warming. The opportunism of these people never ceases to amaze me. They truly know no shame.

Damon’s video likely has something to do with the upcoming climate change talk in Copenhagen, Denmark. The U.S. State Department is clearly stepping up its efforts to influence public opinion and to prepare it for a deal that would do tremendous, needless, damage to Western economies, all in a vain attempt to combat climate change.

That is sad. What’s even sadder, however, is that videos such as Damon’s can have a major impact in global policy. Although increasingly more Europeans are becoming skeptical of man-made global warming leading to catastrophe, they still form the minority – and a pretty small one at that. Videos such as the one produced by the U.S. State Department and narrated by the world famous actor Matt Damon will undoubtedly cause many Europeans to support whatever treaty comes out of Copenhagen.

Although Americans may be more critical about global warming than we Europeans, it’s hard to imagine they will be left untouched by the video. The average voter is likely to think, “but if we don’t do something, millions of innocent little children will die!” Who can argue against that?

Interestingly enough, the last thirty seconds of the video are dedicated to different subjects. Suddenly Damon switches to “opening strong markets” to African products (since when do leftists love globalization and the free market, you have to wonder?) and to “empowering women.” What that has to do with global warming, no one knows, but that is not the point. No, the real subject of this video is global warming and the goal is to prepare Americans for an overly expensive treaty, which will do nothing whatsoever to actually change the climate for the better.

Using imagery of dying children, hunger, and oppressed women to butter-up Americans (and Europeans) to embrace an unnecessary, expensive and probably counterproductive Copenhagen-treaty… for Hollywood, it’s business as usual.