While we get bombarded with the white noise of politics, this is what’s happening:

In short, China is a top-tier strategic threat to the United States, and its ideology of predatory state mercantilism constitutes one of the greatest challenges to America’s new Global Generation – like the danger posed by the Soviet Union to the Greatest Generation.

Wake up. Do not let our leadership sweep this under the rug:

But the Obama administration seems terrified of the implications of Google’s behavior. Google reportedly consulted the White House before acting, but the most the Obama people could say was that the events were “troubling,” or “raise serious concerns” or that they want to encourage China “to work with Google.

The administration’s timidity in facing the reality of China’s new superpower status was highlighted in October when the Obama White House directed the Intelligence Community to downgrade China to a Priority 2 intelligence target. This would be the first time in postwar history that China has ever been anything but a top-tier intelligence priority. Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, the ranking Republican on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told Bill Gertz of The Washington Times last week, “China should be at the top of the priority list, not moving down.”

This past November I was in Michigan filming when I had dinner with my friends’ Congressman Thaddeus McCotter from Michigan and Philippe Martinez (Producer and Director). I think McCotter is one of the special jewels in our government and I hope that at some point he runs for national office, perhaps for the White House. He is not what one would call Project Runway material, but his humor and intellect are stunning, and he can stroll the catwalk with the best of them. Anyway back to the dinner…

Aside from the usual humor and repartee a couple of Rat Packers can conjure at a cigar bar, the conversation turned to politics — China, in particular . What I learned then was quite frightening, and I had thought of writing about it but decided not to because it wouldn’t get any traction. After all, I’m not an expert in the field. Well, my friends, Thaddeus is. And he and another gentleman wrote this fantastic article that all must read. Please send it to your friends and remember: One if by land — two if by sea — three if by cyber.

We live in a very different world. Let’s see if President Obama addresses this in tonight’s State of the Union

–Robert Davi