Things have gotten so bad in Hollywood that these days you need only show some humanity if you want to stand apart from the rest. And this isn’t about politics. This is about a pop culture institution so wildly and cruelly out of control that they are now publicly ridiculing a woman’s mentally disabled child for no other reason than to hurt her.

Patrick Warburton criticizes this cruelty and gets a write up in The Washington Post. Why? Because in today’s Hollywood being critical of ridiculing the mentally disabled child of a conservative woman makes you … a newsworthy exception.

Thus far, Warburton is the only person out of the many involved with “Family Guy” to have the guts to say that what is so obviously wrong is wrong. Remarkable.

Today’s Washington Post:

Not everyone who works on the Fox animated sitcom “Family Guy” is standing in solidarity with its Valentine’s Day episode’s Sarah Palin joke.

Cast member Patrick Warburton told TV critics Wednesday he objected to the flippant reference to Palin as the parent of a child with Down syndrome.

“I know it’s satire but, personally, that [joke] bothered me, too,” Warburton said on a conference call to promote his other prime-time show, the CBS sitcom “Rules of Engagement,” which returns for a fourth season on March 1. (On “Family Guy,” Warburton does the voice of Joe, a police officer who uses a wheelchair.)

“I know that you have to be an ‘equal-opportunity offender,’ but there are some things that I just don’t think are funny,” Warburton said. …

Warburton is the first person involved with the show in any way, shape or form who has publicly broken ranks.

Read the full article here.