We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming of Project Runway and Jersey Shore to bring you a new reality show. Here’s the concept: A bunch of patriotic young people decide to risk their lives to defend the United States as well as the liberty and freedom of all Americans. They do it for love of country, education and a chance to be successful in life. They’re braver than the average person and their selflessness is remarkable. The name of the show is “The National Guard.”

The show won’t fit the anti-military narrative of Hollywood productions like The Green Zone or Avatar, but that’s OK. Like I said, this show is based on reality.

Luckily, we have videos for the first episode of our new show. A group of new National Guard recruits recently sat down with pollster Frank Luntz to talk about why they joined the service. The footage is inspiring and flies in the face of Hollywood’s relentless anti-military stereotypes. In fact, these videos present a very diverse picture of America’s finest men and women.

In the video, many of the recruits cite the Guard’s education benefits as a reason for joining. You’ll notice none of them claim they have a “right” to a college education and instead seem thankful for the opportunity. Shouldn’t we be thanking them?

In the second segment, Luntz asks the recruits to expand on their answers by pointing out that many of them used the word “service.” Their responses echo the themes of freedom, liberty, safety, America’s founding fathers, and sacrifice repeatedly.

These brave young people are willing to risk their lives defending the free speech rights of others, including those who to this very day, falsely malign them and their fellow service members. In reality, what we see is a group of caring, intelligent and thoughtful human beings.

I suggest that these recruits have a better grasp on “the real world” than a bunch of self obsessed twenty-somethings living the high life on MTV’s dime.

These American patriots deserve our admiration, support and respect. To offer anything less would transform every one of us into “the biggest loser.”