Why would a known, highly applauded, and much-admired star like Tom Hanks go out of his way to harm himself and therefore stain his product, the mini-series for television, Pacific?

Why would he toss off an incendiary crack about racism in the American military, c. 1940’s?

Whom or what is he so obviously trying to please?

His own, elitist’s vision of American history?

Or someone/something else?

Someone or something like the President of the United States.

Mr. Hanks is now sitting in the same intellectually supremacist’s waiting room that President Obama has placed his entire, in-house entourage.

From SEIU to Tom Hanks and for their mindset, middle-class America, the Tea Partiers, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are to be looked down upon and, apparently, such members of the Once-Silent Majority represent the kind of souls that make up the American military.

Perhaps that is the main reason President Obama wants a civilian military … “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded!”

As the combined might of the American Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines?

“Unenlightened!” declare the Enlightened Despots, thus labeling the Tea Partiers and Fox News as beneath even understanding.

Meanwhile back in Hollywood, another Silver Screen Czar who is definitely thinking way outside the American box is Sean Penn.

With his proud embrace of the Communist bully, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, he’s actually telling those within the Obama Box, like Tom Hanks, that they are beyond being “behind the curve”.

The Hankses of Hollywood are barely struggling in mid-field, while he, Sean Penn, is already standing in the end zone with those who will eventually be telling even President Obama what to do.

Who in Hollywood is truest to Karl Marx’s original dream, that which was most fervently fulfilled by Mao Tse Tung?

Oh, the entourage adorn the White House Christmas Tree with a Mao Tse Tung Christmas Bulb but Sean is out there in Haiti hauling relief wares for The People.

The Real People!

The Real People are actually those with barely enough education to recognize who might be in charge of things.

The Leaders of the Real People are the savage likes of Sean Penn who can wish cancer on his political enemies publicly. The truth is that Sean Penn looks down on Tom Hanks with as much or more contempt than he would now look down on me.

This inner-pecking-order on the Left is what has begun to tear the Obama Nation apart and will continue to do so until the whole, disorganized nightmare of the Obamatized Democratic Party explodes before our eyes, possibly erupting in some rather violent and self-destructive decisions within the Oval Office.

Oh, we of the Once Silent Majority will pay our own heavy price for not bending to the will of the Obama Nation.

However, the pain we suffer will be nothing compared to that endured by Leftist Visionaries and their Advertising Czars in Hollywood.

No video tape in recent history tells The Communist Tale more dramatically or intensely than this interview with former KGB operative, Yuri Bezmenov.

What’s tragically ironic, I believe, is that Sean Penn, despite his bravura performance as an American Communist, is exactly what Bezmenov describes as the naïve Americans who have “bananas in their ears.”

Bezmenov’s description of the Viet Cong’s cleansing of a Vietnamese village, the execution of thousands of peasants whose names had already been gathered by Communist operatives?

Does Sean Penn really believe that someone as belligerently blind as Hugo Chavez will eventually be higher in the New World pecking order than Barack Obama?

That because of Chavez’ shameless declaration of Marxist convictions, as brazenly displayed as those of Sean Penn himself, Hugo Chavez will rise triumphantly from the ashes of his relative unimportance within the Progressively Marxist New World Order?

Sean Penn’s naked honesty is what has made him the exceptional actor he is.

As Spencer Tracy described his own secret for acting, “Stand firmly on both feet and tell the truth!”

I have no doubt Mr. Penn tells the truth clearly and unapologetically as he sees it.

What he doesn’t see is that Communism has never been interested in the truth.

All Communism is interested in is power.

Those Vietnamese peasants, executed by the Viet Cong in Hue, were exactly like the peasants of Haiti whom Sean Penn wishes to help.

Hmmm ….

The American Revolution, which Tom Hanks, now an expert on the subject, seems prone, in some jarring ways, to patronize, and the worldwide Communist Revolution, which Sean Penn was raised to worship, are now one and the same side of an easily discernible war between the Tea Partiers and the Obama Nation.

Obama’s approval ratings are falling like the proverbial rock which Sisyphus spent an eternity trying to push to the top of a mountain.

The truly enlightened French author, Albert Camus, may have been describing Man’s fate in general when he analyzed The Myth of Sisyphus; or he may very well have meant the Dream of the Communist Party.

As a glimpse into Camus’ political point of view, here’s part of Wikipedia’s analysis:

“When the Algerian War began in 1954 it presented a moral dilemma for Camus. He identified with pied-noirs, and defended the French government on the grounds that the revolt in Algeria was really an integral part of the ‘new Arab imperialism’ led by Egypt and an ‘anti-Western’ offensive orchestrated by Russia to ‘encircle Europe’ and ‘isolate the United States’.”

“A new Arab imperialism?”

“Orchestrated by Russia?”

The genius of Camus knew that breathtakingly familiar strategy in 1954!

Regardless of Soviet and the undeniably neo-Soviet intentions we live with today, who now stands at The Top of The Communist Mountain is Mao Tse Tung.

His Red China has triumphed while Stalin’s Soviet Dream fell with the Berlin Wall.

It is not Mao’s tyranny that has made China great.

It is the Chinese.

God is patient.

More patient than either Mao Tse Tung or even Job, for that matter.

The Almighty obviously knows that the Obama Nation and its injection of Marxist economics into the American Reality is Karl Marx himself at the very top of his intellectual mountain and its dream of world domination.

As glorious as the 100 year old, Marxist/Progressive Dream of World Domination may have seemed to its early visionaries, it is not only the American Tea Partiers who stand in the way.

The Catholic Church with its unswerving condemnation of abortion carries not just the gravity of St. Peter but the seminal meaning of the entire, 5,000 year old, Judeo-Christian Civilization.

100 years of institutionalized Communism and roughly 1500 years of Islamic nationhood … as versus 5,000 years of Judeo-Christianity?

The Marx and Mammon of the Progressive New World Order, that bipartisan Progressivism we see so greedily displayed in Washington, have a 1 in 50 chance of making it to the top of their Mountain of World Tyranny.

Apparently Hollywood Geniuses and Czars picked Sisyphus as the horse to win.

Hmmm … that is such a long way down the mountain that I doubt if anyone with an ounce of common sense left will again try, after Communism’s final fall, to push the rock of world tyranny up an anthill, let alone that Mt. Everest called Human History.

The Book of Revelation prophesied a thousand year wait, following the coming Armageddon, before the dashed dreams of a Marxist New World Order could rise again.

I’m grateful to be living now.

Now is obviously when and where the greatest drama in all of human history, that between Good and Evil, will reach its most complete climax.

All of us will certainly be tested.

Those of us who don’t surrender to the Progressively Marxist New World Order will be The Ordinary Miracle.

Meanwhile Sisyphus believes that he and Mao’s admirers have already reached their final destination in The White House.

Sitting above Sisyphus and the rest of the Marxist New World Order are The Americans.

We are enthroned in the very Judeo-Christian heaven that God Almighty has always promised us.

There is nothing on earth, and certainly not in Washington, D.C., that can pull us out of God’s arms.