Watching The Joy Behar Show on Head line News is akin to watching dead tuna dry in the sun- and the only thing that squashes this tuna melt more is when her guest is the man who inspired the term “jumping the shark.” I’m not sure what tank Henry Winkler’s been swimming in since he starred in that hit movie Heroes in 1977, but I wish he’d stayed there, because with this clip of his brilliant political analysis of the Right, he’s floated stringy poo into my childhood forever.


One of the reasons Henry Winkler was on Behar’s show was to talk about the children’s books he’s written that deal with his disorder, not his case of Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome, but his dyslexia. I won’t make fun of dyslexia because for some, like me; it’s no laughing rettam.

Behar’s interview with “The Fonz” is a prime example of Hollywood liberals placing their political ideology first and a chance to reach out to those who don’t live in New York, L.A. or Darfur last. How many American families who loved Sarah Palin’s book would be moved to buy Winkler’s books after comments like that? Not many in this political climate.

Hollywood has been thrashing into our lives like a school of angry liberals for too long. Every now and then an old Hammer Head like Henry Winkler rises up out of nowhere to debase the American family while expecting us to hand over cash to see him swim in a tank. To think I once had a “Happy Days” lunch box fills me with shame.