The Obama White House, so filled with Harvard graduates, is obviously more interested in teaching than in learning.

“Teachable moments,” remember?

Why the Obama Nation should retain so many slow-learners, spoiled brats refusing to recognize, amidst their Marxist Mania, the reality of Islamic terrorism?

It still takes Sarah Palin to remind these Harvard Czars and their Attorney General that a Chicago, Illinois high school willing to boycott an Arizona basketball game was also willing to send its students off to Red China.

That is obviously the high school’s four-year course in Progressive treason.

The Arizona immigration bill is a human rights offense and Red China is not?!

Radical Islam’s war against America does not exist?! Might Islamic terrorism be a part of a Marxist plan to achieve the so-called Progressive New World Order?

An American, bipartisan political movement, The Progressives, who own the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Court and the Mainstream Media are being embarrassed into making a common sense decision by what would appear to be a group of backward-thinking, bourgeois Americans: Fox News, the Tea Partiers and recent popularity polls.

Is this not a reminder that All Americans Are Created Equal and Remain So, Regardless of Educational Backgrounds?


That is not how the Obama Nation has, can or will ever look at their fellow citizens.

Most Americans have not read either Das Capital or The Communist Manifesto.

Most “Revolutionaries” within the Obama Nation have read those two symphonies of tyrannical megalomania by Karl Marx and memorized portions they wish to teach to their “stupid,” fellow Americans.

However, most Americans are no more interested in those diseased brainstorms by Karl Marx than they are in reading Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

It is clear, however, that the President and his advisers have made Marx a teachable priority in their education.

Hanging an image of Mao Tse Tung on the White House Christmas Tree is a greater priority than sending Federal forces to Arizona to protect its border with Mexico?!

This is all part of that exploding reality now known as the Progressive, ergo, Marxist New World Order, or, as it has been more euphemistically translated, “the fundamental transformation of the United States of America” into the Obama Nation as something “too big to criticize.”

The Tea Partiers, Fox News and an increasingly greater number of Americans are not on the New World Order Bandwagon.

This growing dissention between the Governing and the Governed in America is, needless to say, quite a forbidding and foreboding development.

What will the Obama Nation do in order to shape these profoundly uneducated Americans up?

Teachable Moments!

As many as it takes!!

Hmmm … what can Tea Partiers do in anticipation of the certain onslaught of these Progressive Teachable Moments?

Predict those teachable moments!

If the Cambridge police, in their experience with the first “teachable moment” in American History, are the “stupid” ones, according to the President of the United States, it won’t be too far fetched to anticipate most local authorities and city/state law enforcement, such as the Arizona governor’s new, preventative measures against illegal immigration, to be acting, quite predictably, in what our Progressive President would call a “stupid” way.

These bourgeois Americans neither went to Harvard nor are they Harvard professors.

Therefore they are, ipso facto, “stupid.”

In the eyes of the “stupid”, the President’s lack of action to protect Arizona’s American sovereignty is not only unconstitutional but, perhaps, an impeachable offense.

One really shouldn’t get “stupid Americans”, particularly law enforcement officers, too upset because these American ignoramuses have lawyers too, prosecuting attorneys actually.

I played one on television.

These “stupid” prosecuting attorneys, rather like Ben Stone of Law and Order, know a few things about American law that rest in the favor of the police, the governor of a state and the citizens who wish to protect themselves from enemies such as Communist interlopers, Islamic terrorists and drug-selling, illegal immigrants.

The recent candidate for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, will be replacing one of her own kind. Therefore the balance in this last resort of judicial resolution won’t change noticeably. The votes will still remain the same.

So, no matter how high the President or his “stupid” citizens wish to press an issue, we bourgeois Americans will have much of law enforcement on our side because much of American law is written for Americans, not for American Communists nor for American Muslim Extremists.

We now know that our Progressive leadership in Washington believes, with increasing shamelessness, that the French Revolution was vastly superior to the American one.

Robespierre and Napoleon, in the eyes of our Progressive Revolutionaries, must have been undeniably more “enlightened” than any of the Founding Fathers of America.

As the authors of Our Oldest Enemy have already demonstrated, the ultimate and most long-awaited dénouement to any international conflict will be that between the French and American Revolutions.

Hopefully the intra-revolutionary war will be decided in the Third Millennium courts and ballot boxes.

As a Dartmouth College graduate, I’m enough of a former Ivy Leaguer to smell out the Highest, Bipartisan Poo-bahs of Harvard Elitism, from Henry Kissinger to Barack Obama.

These “enlightened despots”, to quote Voltaire, are ideologues, not unlike the fascist know-it-alls within the Axis of World War II.

Never forget that Stalinist Russia was, at one time, an ally of Hitler’s Third Reich.

So was a powerfully influential Muslim cabal, as is clearly recorded in Icon of Evil by David Dalin and John Rothmann.

Nazism, Fascism, Communism and Islamic Fundamentalism all combined for one brief moment during World War II in an effort to bring down all of Judeo-Christianity.

Apparently they have united again to complete the job which was and still is to prove that tyranny will triumph over individual freedom and individual responsibility.

Once the Progressives learn that tyranny is not a teachable commodity in the United States, their complete and utter control of the United States government for the first time in their history will oblige them to force tyranny upon us.

No one knew the aims of such a movement more profoundly than Sir Winston Churchill whose prophecies were fulfilled and yet whose bust was kicked out of the White House by President Obama.


With all of Churchill’s genius, he never lost his common sense, a mindset for which the Progressives have repeatedly proven themselves to be non-learning extra-terrestrials.

At this point unfortunately, we old-fashioned and traditional Americans have indeed, on the world-wide level, been outnumbered and, for the moment, out-gunned and out-organized by the Elite Extra Terrestrials and their community-organizing unions.

However, one rather large and relatively ancient institution that the Progressive Axis cannot count upon is the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church was indisputably unmanageable during World War II and is not about to change her own variety of unpredictably common sense during a possible World War III.

As my regular readers know, the Roe v Wade Decision was not only the New World Order’s biggest foot-in-the-door, it heralded 37 years of America’s blind denial, her refusal to call Roe v Wade for what it is: legalized murder.

If you can legalize homicide, you can initiate anything, including, needless to say, a Marxist takeover of America.

The Catholic Church has never and won’t ever change her mind about abortion, regardless of the Progressive efforts to blackmail the Vatican into doing so.

The obligatorily secular, European, Socialist Union is not the least bit interested in stopping American Progressives from turning the United States, Canada and Mexico into the North American, Socialist Union.

As for the neo-Soviet Union and Red China?

Neither Communist nation will help America curb the nuclear ambitions of Iran.

In light of Islamic terrorism, we are definitely going to need a little help from some God, in order to face down Allah’s Extremists.

The 5,000 year-old, agreed-upon God of Judeo-Christianity, Yahweh, seems, to me at least, another one of our “only hopes”.

For Ben Stone and I, as I’ve said, this is just the beginning.

For the Progressive New World Order, it may seem to own the land we stand on but it has yet to entirely tear the old house down

The old house, as I’ve said, contains some 5,000 year-old catacombs.

Yes, indeed, as the song says, “An olden spell is wound about The Game!”