Hollywood leads young women to believe that to be somebody the public needs to know who they are through a media outlet. Unfortunately, for some young women wanting to be in the spotlight, that entails lifting their shirts–or worse, while a pimp named Joe Francis directs them from his central-boob-command in Los Angeles. The man-boy who brought the world Girls Gone Wild late night television spots has teamed up with the man who produced (paid for) the anti-American film Redacted, and who’s made himself the face (and belly) of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban.

Mark Cuban

What a billionaire Internet mogul and an ex-con with a video camera come up with for young women to aspire to is, The Hottest Girl in America. The show on Cuban’s HDNET is a thirty-minute infomercial for Francis’ empire of exploitation where Francis sends his minions out on the road in tour buses like a bunch of Red Bull infused roaming gnomes to egg on young drunk women into an act they may someday regret.

In the episode I watched Francis’ video gnomes found their golden Gomorrah cow when a young woman confessed, she’d just turned 18, therefore gleaning the line of child pornography for Joe and his brood. The sad part of this HDNET show is that young women line up in droves to lift their tops, drop their pants, and make out with one another.

Hollywood glorifies women like Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, and Pamela Anderson for making sex tapes by awarding them their own shows. Young women then envision themselves in sex acts as a chance at fame. What’s worse about young women exposing themselves are we men who watch, as I did for two episodes–when one viewing would have been plenty. I realize the male demand for boobs may be more Darwinist than I’m able to understand. But the supply of young boobs comes from being young, dumb, full of booze, and easily manipulated by the illusion of fame.

It’s yet to happen, but I may see it in my lifetime; a smart, accomplished woman gets appointed to the Supreme Court, or a position of power, only to be denied the post because of fifteen drunken seconds in a Dallas nightclub.

Joe Francis

Hottest Girl in America is a twelve part, thirty-minute series with full nudity, no commercials, and a winner in the end. With deep pockets like Cuban backing the show, you’d think the winner would get a four-year college scholarship or a job that nurtures them into business success in one of Cuban’s many enterprises. Nope. Instead, the young woman willing to expose herself the most gets to tour the world as the representative of Joe Francis’ boob factory until her flesh dries up in the video spotlight and is tossed aside like an outdated pound of meat.

Cuban, a family man with two daughters of his own (both legal for Francis’ show in 2025) has no reason to facilitate the misogynistic business of Joe Francis. Cuban could be doing better things for young women with his money other than sending them to the plastic surgeon the moment their fifteen minutes wears off. As for Joe Francis, to quote from Mark Ebner’s book “Six Degrees of Paris Hilton” — “Joe Francis thinks he’s Hugh Hefner, when what he really is, is Fatty Arbuckle.”

With Francis’ latest run-in with the law, seems he’s poised to be just that. In 1921, Fatty Arbuckle was accused of raping the young actress Virginia Rappe who four days later died, some papers say due to trauma from being crushed under the enormous weight of Arbuckle. On May 24, 2010, Joe Francis attacked one of his staffers, a pregnant woman, demanding that she not spill-the-beans to the press about his disturbing in-house behavior.

Cuban seems to be willing to place himself under the crushing weight of an out of control Francis in the hopes of what? Making more money? Access to cavort around young misguided women? Or would Cuban say, “It’s just business?”

That’s the problem with show business: if you’re a young woman willing to show it, they’ll make it their business.

Funding anti-American films, exposing young women for profit; what’s next Mark, opium crops? I hope your wife sleeps in a shark cage.