My little series of articles on Marlon’s Mao posed the possibility that if Marlon Brando had lived longer he would have inevitably been cast as Mao Zedong.

The crème de la crème of the Hollywood Left would have unquestionably flocked to help with an epic depiction of this monster’s life, best recorded by Jung Chang but most certainly put back into “balance” by a Hollywood Left, with Oliver Stone most likely leading the revisionists’ jury.

Piling increasingly bizarre tributes on the head of that Mini-Mao, Hugo Chavez, Stone need only find enough Maoist money to make more cinematic history with his “in-depth” examination of the “much-misunderstood” Founding Father of Modern Hollywood Left and Maoism.

I’m sure the Far Left Actor, Sean Penn, is willing to leave his post in Haiti for such a challenge.

Both he and Stone are big admirers of Hugo Chavez and one would assume, Mao Zedong.

Weren’t most of my generation as impressionable as John F. Kennedy, thinking that Fidel Castro was sincerely committed to a healthier, happier Cuba?

Then, of course, we learned the truth.

It became a Castro-ized Cuba not unlike the Obama-tized America we are now obliged to deal with.

However, not many people were taken off guard by Hugo Chavez … except, perhaps, a few of Hollywood’s Far Left.

Now these bright lights of American film must see to it that Chavez stays in power at least as long as Fidel Castro did in Cuba.

Otherwise the Oliver Stone and Sean Penn bets of full support for Chavez might appear to be “ill-considered” if not downright naïve for two such sophisticated men of the world.

Compassion for the Bad Boys is at least one common denominator throughout Hollywood Left.

However, sympathy for the Unsuccessfully Bad Boys is a true embarrassment.

Even the neo Soviet, Vladimir Putin’s nostalgia for the Old, Pure Soviet Days looks pathetic.

Warren Beatty began the boldest exploration in American film of seriously making bad boys and girls fashionable with Bonnie and Clyde, leading him all the way to Bugsy.

This, of course, led to the totally female side of such outré self-indulgence with Thelma and Louise.

Love of anti-heroes is still so French and now European Union-ey and, yes, auteur-isty, that we forget how Hollywood used to treat the eager victims of the Bugsy Siegel world.

No, in that era, they didn’t romanticize the Natural Born Killers’ joy rides and the Thelma and Louise, off-the-cliff suicide.

By only mild contrast, however, Beatty’s film Reds is a defense of American Communists and the Russian Revolution in general, showing us just how human and in love these ideological supremacists can be.

Hmmm … Oliver Stone, in an interesting way, is still not as bold nor as frankly honest about his Communist sympathies as Beatty proved himself to be.

One must admit that Bonnie and Clyde predated the mad romp of Stone’s Natural Born Killers by almost thirty years.

Can you imagine Oliver Stone having to admit he’s in debt to the likes of Warren Beatty?

Having briefly, very briefly encountered them both, Beatty on the phone, I can’t.


Perhaps the two of them are Hollywood symbols of the Great Leftist Schism now happening within the Far Left Democratic Party.

The Soldiers, Stone and Penn, versus The Elitists, Beatty and Obama.

Regardless, such company, both sides, appear increasingly desperate or, in Beatty’s case, remarkably silent for such a Revolutionary Era promising a “fundamental transformation of the United States of America.”

Where or what is Warren Beatty?

Now he appears to be irrelevant.

Eventually so might President Barack Obama.

This is now time for The Soldiers.

The real Bad Boys!

That doesn’t bode well for The Elitists, whom The Soldiers look down on.

Even such a Rhodes, Teflon and Super Elite escape artist as Bill Clinton appears to be playing the fool.

So it’s obviously time for The Soldiers!

Communism has only endured under a military dictatorship.

Mao and Castro were active soldiers long before they became their countries’ Chairmen.

The intellectuals never fair well under the likes of either Mao or, for that matter, under Pol Pot, who lived out his disgusting life under the safe protection of former General, then Chairman Mao.

Therefore the long term problem for the illuminated likes of Kissinger, Clinton and Obama is that their undeniably Marxist concept for the New World Order would still demand a Soldier, not an Elitist, to enforce it.

It’s not hard to predict which kind of Communist would remain on top.

Elitist or Soldier?

Under Communism, The Soldier has always out-survived The Elitist.

The last great soldier America had as President was Dwight D. Eisenhower.

This World War II, Military Great, in profoundly American style, warned his own nation about its “military/industrial complex“.

America, particularly the over-intellectualized America of the Kissinger/Clinton/Obama Ivy League variety, cannot seem to find a Communist Military Dictator in any of the services: Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines.

The Elitists’ armchair and intellectualized daydreams of a New World Order America will invariably fall short if West Point has yet to come up with a Marxist Douglas MacArthur.

With that in mind, think of what a different world this would be if President Harry Truman had let MacArthur invade North Korea, all the way up to and including an invasion of the newly Communist China of Mao Zedong.

Mao certainly made a fool out of Chiang Kai Shek!

However, an American Warrior like MacArthur?!

If Mao had been obliged to face MacArthur, I do believe The Greatest Chairman would have become something beyond a forgotten nightmare by now.

At best, Mao’s name would have become Low Mandarin for some disgusting dish served in the filthiest corners of a China that would have, no doubt, exploded into a nation even more swiftly prosperous than MacArthur’s post-war Japan.

China would have so adored a victorious MacArthur, the Sino-Japanese prejudices against one another might have ended.

Both China and Japan would have shared pride in a mutually shared liberation from tyranny.

MacArthur, had Truman not been owned and run by underground Progressives, might indeed have become the George Washington of both Japan and mainland China.

There would have been the beginning of a New World Order of Individual Freedom For All of Mankind that could last.

What The Elitists are creating, now known as their Progressive New World Order, will last about as long as the Paris Peace Treaty that Kissinger cooked up for Nixon.

However, it won’t be the NVA and Viet Cong subsequently capturing Saigon.

It will, once Obama has lost his next election, be individual freedom infecting Beijing to at last liberate it from the undeniably evil legacy and obligatorily enforced worship of a butcher named Mao Zedong.