Ashley Judd’s been running around on a crusade to strengthen the power our oil rich-enemies hold over us and to put coal miners out of work. She calls it “opposing mountaintop removal mining,” but those of us who live in the real world understand the human consequences of her thoughtless narcissism. Speaking for all “hillbillies,” the actress went so far as to single out for criticism golf courses that have been built atop former mining sites, stating “I don’t know a lot of hillbillies who golf.”

Well, the “hillbillies” have struck back. The poster below was on display at a recent coal industry-sponsored golf tournament in Kentucky:

If you want to understand why Hollywoodists are so enamored with dictators, look no further than this. Ashley Judd and Oliver Stone and Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn despise being questioned, mocked and challenged by the hoi polloi, which is why you’ll never hear them criticize a Hugo Chavez for putting the “opposition media” out of business.

Judd’s crusade against the “rape of Appalachia” epitomizes thoughtless and cruel activism. If you remember, when she was asked how she planned to replace the working class jobs her activism against “environmental genocide” would eliminate, she freaked out and accused the interviewer of playing a trick on her.

I own a home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina less than a mile off the famous and stunningly beautiful Appalachian Trail. From my front porch I can also see a golf course. No one loves and wants to preserve the natural beauty of that region more than the people who live there. Coal mining is not just a source of jobs, it’s a way of life, and these good, common sense folks have been remarkably effective at balancing the environment they love with the jobs they need. And they also understand that a golf course qualifies every bit as much as — oh, say — Central Park as “natural beauty.”

“Country” doesn’t mean “dumb.” If Ashley Judd needs validation she should stop searching for it at the expense of bankrupting and upending the lives of countless working-class families and a noble way of life that goes back generations.