If I remember correctly, George Buchner’s 19th Century play, Danton’s Death, actually opened The Hopkins Center at Dartmouth College.

Though my memories are now understandably vague, I was actually in that production. Why my amnesia is understandable would necessitate a whole other article.

However, I played Camille Desmoulins in Danton’s Death, one of the Orphans of the Storm, so to speak.

I saw that classic silent movie, D. W. Griffith’s Orphans of the Storm, last night.

Many “Orphans” of that nightmare were former French Revolutionaries whom Maximilien Robespierre suddenly found unacceptable to him and his idea of “Public Safety.”

Robespierre had a few of his former friends and colleagues guillotined – a decisively longer-term version of being “thrown under the bus.”

Among the victims of Robespierre was The much-loved George Danton.

Danton was, I suppose, the Humanist among a rather savage pack of what I now call Revolutionary Reparationists.

With the New Black Panthers now hitting the headlines, the word “reparations” is all over the news and the networks.

There have been, for quite some time, Revolutionary Humanists like Danton all over New York City and much of the East Coast.

There are now very bold and unapologetic Revolutionary Reparationists.

The Revolutionary Humanists and the Revolutionary Reparationists are both an indispensable part of the “fundamental transformation of the United States of America.”

The obvious loyalty which our President and his First Lady receive from the New Black Panthers is clearly based on the strongly communicated sense that both President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder believe that because of slavery, some form of reparations are due to the African American community.

Obama/Holder Reparations would certainly include the tacit acquittal of Black Panthers who shamelessly chose to intimidate white voters at the voting centers.

The New Black Panthers’ officially condoned bullying is merely pay-back or rather, reparations.

This certainly appears to be the Obama Nation’s quid pro quo for slavery and other, endless offenses to blacks by the purely white community.

However, and not so oddly and not so unexpectedly enough, the red and brown of First Nations and Mexican “brothers” will also be supported by the Obama administration as being justifiably present in America, whether illegally or not, to collect their own reparations.

There are ominously echoing similarities between the French Revolution and now the increasingly swift racial strife now expanding in the United States.

Actually, the New Black Panthers and their rhetoric remind me more of Kim Jong Il’s North Korea than any of Martin Luther King’s, non-violent protests of the Sixties.

If North Korea is, as I believe, Communism’s boldest attack dog, then our President’s and Attorney General Eric Holder’s attitude toward the New Black Panther Party is matched by Red China’s and neo-Soviet Russia’s hands-off attitude toward North Korea.

Is third millennium racism more of a veil to International Communism’s version of Good Cop/Bad Cop?

Is the New Black Panthers’ racism more of a ruse than a reality?

More an incipiently violent mask to the actual and very Red Face of the Obama Nation?

I certainly suspect as much.

When the Black Panthers want to throw in the whole, non-white Third World, doesn’t this sudden generosity and Big Team Spirit smell a little cheesy?

And more than a little Communist?

Now with Communist affiliations worldwide, the Old Black Panthers sound a great deal more sure of themselves than they used to, don’t they? So much so that they call themselves the New Black Panther Party.

“We have you outnumbered,” is the message of the Neo-Black Panthers, don’t you think?

The actual membership size of the Black Panthers has always been relatively small, but with their formally declared, new “connections”?!

Straight to the top of that Progressively Red New World Order.

This leads me to ask, “Is President Barack Hussein Obama the American Robespierre of a renewed and admittedly Marxist but still very French Revolution?”

You can’t “fundamentally transform” anything without some form of revolution, can you?

Without breaking a few eggs?

If your “revolution” has an increasingly civilian army made up of labor unions and Black Panthers, aren’t we as blind as the French bourgeoisie were to the sans-culottes?

Or the West was to the bottomless ambitions of the Russian Revolution for that matter?

Or are these “enlightened despots,” as Voltaire would have described the Obama Nation, the Czars in the White House and their highly exposed admiration for the as-yet undefeated Mao Zedong of China, merely a replay of Robespierre?

Wasn’t, indeed, Robespierre the true Godfather to Karl Marx and then Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, then Stalin, then Mao?

The French Revolution as the Birth-Mother to Marx’s, Lenin’s and Mao’s Communist Revolutions?

Please read Our Oldest Enemy in order to grasp the unrelentingly French nature of Communism and France’s obvious refusal to admit the mistakes of Bonaparte let alone those of Robespierre.

Raison d’etat or Reason of State is beyond the long arm of Law and Order.

Under the publicly recognized narcissism and, I firmly believe, the Mao-worshipping megalomania of Barack Hussein Obama, I have no doubt we’re being ruled by The American Robespierre.

Not having shown the least willingness to have even a slightly respectful discussion with the center-right soul of America, the President and his force-feeding of Socialism to America clearly reveals an equally Communist willingness to use violent force in the administering of his “fundamental transformation of the United States of America.”

Are the Clintons merely the George and Gracie of this American French Revolution?

Or will one of them end up as George or Georgia Danton?

We mustn’t forget Hillary’s much earlier loyalty to the Black Panthers in the Sixties.

The Clintons will most certainly have been a major part of this very Revolutionary and “fundamental transformation of the United States of America”!

Now that President Obama has let the cat out of the bag and revealed that Progressive actually means Socialist, won’t returning to a Clinton Presidency be as self-defeating for Democrats as Republicans would be, returning to another Bush Presidency?

The Bush Family are Progressively for the “Immigration Reform,” New World Order or, as Bush Sr. rather imperialistically called it, the Pax Americana.

Barack Obama now plays Robespierre to all of the would-be but very bipartisan Revolutionaries.

The only comfort is that Robespierre eventually had to face his own favorite solution: the guillotine.

Death as a solution to almost everything.

The “Progressives”, both the Clintons and the Obama Nation, are as certain as both Danton and Robespierre were.

You can learn from the French Revolution what such threateningly violent certainty could lead them to.

That would be our new, Progressive guillotine: mutually exchanged, retroactive abortion or “Purge”.

Better known in America as unexplained deaths.