It is with great satisfaction yet hoped-for humility that I feel myself obliged to introduce to BIG HOLLYWOOD a flowering expert on ZOMBIES.

His visit here is, perhaps, not entirely of his own free will.

Life and art, ahhhhh, art and life!

No, after researching Prof. Daniel Drezner’s background, the increasingly supportive and, I might add, impressive editor of BIG PEACE, Peter Schweizer, unearthed a few, very seminal facts about this gentleman and his hobby: ZOMBIES.

I myself have found that mixing my hobby of music with my profession of acting never fared well. Because I was allowed to play piano on film occasionally, given that indulgent pleasure by the director Larry Cohen, I was persuaded to do possibly too many shock shlock, vampire and monster films with him.

I, however, was, with only one exception, the hero!

The Larry Cohen “villain” I portrayed was for television … and … well … you know what Hollywood thinks about television.

Because of Larry Cohen I’m not entirely unacquainted with what appears to be Prof. Drezner’s main hobby … or obsession: ZOMBIES.

When it comes to ZOMBIES, I trust the Professor and I will both share what I consider to be an embarrassingly common and, I would add, ZOMBIED past.

Even as poetry, “Zombie” as a metaphor for what the Left considers the Tea Partiers – pre-historic animal life, dinosaurs risen from the dead – this has me recalling what I once told Larry while lunching at the Russian Tea Room with him: “These people before me, these Manhattan Liberals, now look actually Ghoulish, Larry …

“Goulash?” asked Larry.

“No, Ghoulish! Ghoulish!”

Ah, well, now here I am, not lunching with a director of horror films, but crossing Hollywood metaphors with a pedant out of Tufts University.

“That’s what I like to see when an online article makes a non-obvious factual assertion. Now go back and re-read Moriarty’s column — did he have any hyperlinks backing up any of his assertions linking Soros to Obama?”

One of the comments on my article for BIG PEACE explains why:

“Moriarty has given the voice to what most thinking folks already figured out by themselves. We are not wearing blinders attached by the slave masters in the WH and the Neo-Pravda propagandists owned by the shadowy globalists like Soros and corps.”

My response to that comment was:

“Apparently FOREIGN POLICY Magazine and Mr. Drezner don’t like these apparently well known truths discussed by “most thinking folks” publicly.

Either Mr. Drezner is not “thinking folk” or there’s some form of “enlightened despotism” going on … in which case I don’t think I and Peter Schweizer have wasted our time.”

Then comes the Drezner backhand to Peter Schweizer:

“No? Wouldn’t some links on that point have been useful? Indeed, dare I suggest that pointing out the need for evidence is kind of an editor’s job?”

Mr. Drezner had nothing to say about the Soros/Obama Brazilian connection which I so clearly refer to. Perhaps Mr. Drezner and Mr. Soros don’t want links to that subject matter:

One of the wittier headlines reads: Obama Helps Soros Drill For Oil In Brazil | Sweetness & Light

In a public reply to Peter and I, The Professor links his statement to a video that is clearly cut short in the same way the now legendary Shirley Sherrod’s tape was edited:

Soros is at best ambivalent and at worst disappointed with Obama’s performance.”

Here’s my favorite Drezner Declaration:

“On the issue in which Soros has been the most outspoken — financial regulation — Obama willfully ignored Soros’ recommendations.”

The writer’s tone suggests his own disappointment in Obama’s desire not to nationalize the banks!

Ah, Far Left Academia!!

Speaking of which, Fareed Zakaria, who’s a whole other, Leftist, cultural centerfold entirely, praised Obama’s Stimulus Package, to which Soros replies,

“That’s right … he’s paying a very heavy price for saving the country from going into a deep depression.”

At this point the clip is suddenly ended.

Do we not have the exact-same treatment of George Soros that was given Shirley Sherrod? Only in this case, neither Soros nor Drezner come out smelling like victims.

So, all I can conclude from these revealing ripostes of Prof. Dreznev … no, Breznev … I mean … uh Drezner … (I’m allowed this lapse since the Professor misspelled my name in his own parenthetical ellipsis) … all I can deduce actually, is that no one is forking up “horses***t” with greater Obamesque aplomb than The Professor.

Why he deigned, as a petulantly miffed faculty member of Tufts University, to lower himself into the journalistic slums of BIG PEACE?

I have no idea … aside from the fact that perhaps his true loyalties are to a fraternity far more expansive and all-encompassing than all the graduates and faculty of Tufts.

Yes, some ravenously Marxist sea of intellect that succeeded, with the invaluable assistance of George Big Bucks Soros, to buy, lie and bully Barack Hussein Obama into the White House.

Obama willfully ignored Soros’ recommendation to Communize the American economy by nationalizing the banks … but apparently … and other than that … gee … who knows? Mightn’t Soros and his occasionally disobedient lapdog be spending a vacation together in Rio?

They can watch the off-shore drilling together!

Father and Son!!

The Professor was right about one thing. My equating Soros/Obama to Kissinger/Nixon was more than a bit bold.

Kissinger was surely not old enough to be Nixon’s grandfather.

Other than that, there are only two greater masters of elitism than Dr. Henry Kissinger. They are George Soros and Barack Hussein Obama.

The self-effacing old man who broke the Bank of England and that charmer who promised us such hope and change? Generally speaking, if you add Oprah Winfrey’s dreaded hand in the election, we were triple-teamed.

“So I’m not seeing a lot of influence here. I’m seeing nothing that even approximates the overt and tight relationship that Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon shared during the latter’s administration … “

This is when The Professor then misspelled my name.

Oh, well, it happened with my first major film. The distributor misspelled my name on the posters for Bang The Drum Slowly.

Such bad luck is a good luck sign for me. Not only was my name misspelled but I now no longer have anything to do with Hollywood films.

In conclusion, I actually think the millions that George Soros gave to have Obama elected would explain some of his disappointment that the President doesn’t commit an impeachable offense when George calls, “Here, Barry!”

I could be persuaded otherwise on this point — Obama and Soros probably do have some kind of relationship. But I need to see the evidence, the unvarnished truth, if you will. If you have any, please provide it and link to it.

At the risk of repeating myself try this link again. The reading list is so long … hmmm … you could do a research paper on it.

Oh, before I forget, my full ticket for both the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the United States is not only Sarah Palin but Col. Allen West as well.

We can let the two of them decide which title fits them best.

As for racism in the Tea Parties?

Is it Check?


I’ll let The Professor decide.