I’m sunbathing naked again. I don’t really like it. It’s sweaty. But, I think it might make me look thinner. And, I have no work. And, no one can see me. Maybe Google Earth. I’m on the last chapter of C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity.” It explains so well what my heart knew, but my head couldn’t articulate. I am looking out for bees and red ants. A big, red ant bit me on my thigh yesterday. Yes, the same thigh the bee

bit. Weird.

I still can’t keep up with him.

I heard that he just proclaimed Al Qaeda racist!!

Racist, racist, racist. I’ll show you racist.

This is my daughter’s best friend since they were 5 years old. They are 16 now.

Obama is stirring up racial and class division!!

I can’t keep up with him!

Obama supports a Muslim Mosque being built at Ground Zero?

I can’t keep up with him!

Obama is illegally using U.S. taxpayer money to fund abortions in

Kenya? What?

I can’t keep up with him!

It’s 2 pm so I leave my sunbathing to go in the house and watch Glenn Beck. Like a refreshing ocean wave, I let his truth wash over me. Aaahhh.

While everyone is arguing over who is racist, Obama just passed a new

bill giving the Government complete control over business and salaries?! The Financial Reform Bill.

Obama wanted to pass the Cap ‘n Trade Bill. Cap ‘n Trade would lose 1.9

million jobs?! Why would Obama want to destroy jobs? Is he working

for the enemy

I can’t keep up with him!

I try to inform my friends of the current state of our country. Some refuse to listen.

I sent several emails to my agent with links to my Big Hollywood stories. She finally responded and dissed my hero Breitbart. The hair on my arms stood up. I dashed off this email:

Dear Agent: (I have about six. This was one of them.)

I don’t know if you’ll understand the Breitbart/Sherrod thing if you haven’t been following the whole story. Breitbart would never edit something to change the meaning. He is all about Truth. That’s his thing. Truth, truth, truth. He released a tape that he had been sent last April from someone he doesn’t know. He showed the tape the way he had received it. He chose that week because Racism was all over the news, and it was only against White people and completely malicious and untrue.

The NAACP had the video of Sherrod’s entire unedited speech (it was given at an NAACP event) and they discredited her before anyone else.

What Breitbart was really trying to show in the video was the NAACP crowd’s reaction to Sherrod’s racist comments…when she said that she didn’t help the white farmer, many vocalized their approval…this would never happen at a Tea Party…an all white crowd hooting and hollering over a story about putting down a black person.

The White House fired Sherrod before Fox News or Beck had even aired the story. (The mainstream media would never play a story of a minority being a racist…they completely ignored the Black Panther story.) The White House is the one at fault here. And, interesting how quick they were to jump. Probably because the NAACP had just been falsely accusing people of racism. Sherrod’s history is that she sues people…she won $15 million for something. So, lucky her, she can try to scam the system again.

But, I’ve watched the tape several times and Sherrod doesn’t make much sense. After her story of her “past” racism, she then says, “so, it’s not about black and white, it’s about rich and poor (Marxism/Liberation Theology), and…black and white.” So, it’s sort of double talk. But, the video shows simply that racism goes both ways.

He put the tape out in response to the unproven and ridiculous claims that the Tea Party is racist, and everyone who opposes Socialism is racist, and the recent Obama Administration dropping the court case of Voter Intimidation against the New Black Panthers who were videoed wielding billy clubs and shouting racial slurs (kill white people, kill crackers, white babies) outside of a voting booth in 2008.

If you don’t watch Fox News, you might not be aware that Breitbart has offered $ 100,000 to anyone who can present a video of those Congressmen who were supposedly called the N-word at the Obamacare protest in DC. Although, the story was played over and over on the mainstream media, not one cell phone, though hundreds were filming that day, has presented a tape. Lots of lies out there.

I don’t know if you followed the Gates/Crowley Affair, but Pres. O said, “I don’t know all the facts, but the police acted stupidly…” The President is stirring up racial conflict, and class warfare, “spread the wealth” (The Communist Manifesto). These tactics are directly taken from Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Obama taught a course on Saul Alinsky. The book is dedicated to Lucifer. The more of this stuff I learn the more shocked I am that my Christian high school teacher was right when he made us read Orwell’s 1984 and said Communism will take over America from within….

I’m just frustrated that some of my friends who are Christians and well educated, are still not seeing what is happening in our country. I can’t not care. When we are completely Socialist/Communist, whatever you want to call it, there will be no Show Biz …or any freedoms for that matter. Soc/Comm does not work. History has proven it and yet there are so many still, who are not getting what is happening right under our noses. You’ll see, and it will be too late. It’s like “lost” people who can’t see Christ. You can debate them until you’re blue in the face and if they don’t want to see the Truth, they won’t see it. They choose not to see it.

I first became political when I was trying to explain to my Christian Progressive friends Marianne and Bob that they shouldn’t vote for O because his background is Marxist. They would not listen. They wouldn’t even discuss the issues with me. They don’t want to hear any facts.

My friend Connie told me, “Two words Jackson. Career suicide.” Some things are more important than careers. God and freedom to worship Him. If Obama stays in power and we don’t flip the house Nov. 2, freedom to worship will be taken away. Communist countries do not allow it because citizens must worship the state and you can’t worship God and the state. You have to choose one.

Maybe it’s the end times, but I don’t think Jesus wants me to just sit by the window until the trumpet sounds. VJ

Well, I guess I’ll go sunbathe some more. I don’t have any work.

I see a bee buzzing near me. I shush him away. I see a red ant. I squish him with my flip flop.

I see a king ruling over me. I vote him away.

I see the King watching over me. I bow my head and pray.

(Um…it’s not a sin to be sunbathing naked if no one but God is watching, right?)