Unlike Roger Ebert, we’re not going to post the full photo. If you want to see a submissive, near-naked woman with the rope that man’s holding looped around her neck, you can click on over to the oh-so esteemed “Roger Ebert’s Journal.”

Ebert’s rationale for re-publishing this ad for a suit designer who uses the tagline: “Suits for men who hate women.”…?

“To drive feminists batshit to energize them for the approaching election.”

There’s an old saying that goes: “If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither on your side, pound the table.” And now … if there’s no table, condescend to feminists by pounding on misogynistic fasionistas.

What exactly does a two year-old designer-suit advertisement have to do with anything? Is Ebert so out of ways to make a case for his side that disseminating offensive material for shock value is all he’s got?

Those of us actually paying attention, however — those of us who have seen how Ebert and his ideological ilk have attempted to personally demean, humiliate, and destroy Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, and Michelle Bachmann — we might want to thank Ebert for reminding us that this is a perfect symbol of how the Fashionista Left treats women.

We should also be thankful the Pulitzer-Prize winner’s not trying to drive the anti-child porn lobby out to vote. Who knows what he’d have dug up in that case.

Get some help, Roger.