When overweight girls start committing suicide, will Kathy Griffin stop bullying them? Only in liberal Hollywood can someone as washed up and discarded by her own personal life be considered someone with a sense of morality and cause. Because her next paycheck is dependant on Leftists, including and especially those Leftists in the gay community, following her from tramp-show to drag-show, Kathy Griffin feeds them what she thinks Leftists want, a steady diet of hate. Hate of anyone who doesn’t see the world through a rainbow prism of race, gender and left-wing politics.

In her self-made PSA below, Kathy’s reaches out to young gay teens the way tobacco companies hope today’s youth will bum a “fag,” light up, and pay their future bills. In it, Kathy sympathizes with gay kids stuck in a Bible-belt closet because of evil Republicans practicing trickle-down homophobia. Because Hollywood knows what’s best for everyone, Kathy also reminds us of how wrong Prop 8. was, and how the courts must overturn it. Laws only apply when they favor the Hollywood’s agenda, and when the law doesn’t and sides with the majority, Hollywood bullies everyone with a differing view. The only poetic justice in the clip is when she admits, “As you know, officially I’m not a parent.”


Leftist Hollywood shows open contempt for those who don’t tow the liberal line. They dismiss all others as dumb, foolish, evil, or just fat. I’m baffled by straight celebrities such as Kathy Griffin who take up gay causes in the name of moral equality while making a buck off keeping their base fat with hate and the exact same kind of bullying.

I applaud anyone, even Kathy Griffin, for wanting to help today’s youth make it through what has become an increasingly difficult world. But you can’t take the noose off one group people and place it around the neck of another just because you feel the way they live is wrong.

That’s just being a bully, Kathy.