So we’ve seen a lot of protests lately. Some are monumental. Others are sillier than geese.

In America though, something odd is taking place – chucklefaces with signs are actually delivering their outrage right to their adversary’s homes.

Recently, protesters went to a developer’s house to “peacefully” hassle him because he tried to bring a Walmart to town. Yeah, this jerk wanted to bring jobs and revenue to a suffering economy- and he gets a bunch of tools chanting “Kumbaya” on his patch in return.

Something tells me that the town would prefer the developer over protesters whose only real achievement is a monthly cleansing.

Then there were protesters mobbing the Wisconsin governor’s home. Scott Walker’s sin? Getting teachers to accept the same financial realities as the rest of us.

That makes him a monster – and so his family deserves no privacy. Yet, Obama calls it an “assault” on the unions.

Speaking of, where are the Dems? Well you can’t find them at their homes. They’re all like Jerry Lundegaard at the end of Fargo – desperately crawling out windows in their baggy underwear.

And, what of the protesters hitting John Boehner’s apartment? They were objecting to a GOP push to ban a needle exchange program, curtail abortion funding and other stuff.

I bet they smelled great!

Anyway, these lefty protests reflect a new aggressive activism – which strikes me as funny, since it’s in direct opposition to the “new tone” the President and the libs claimed they would embrace.

But we knew from the start that this new tone only applied to their enemies.

Which is fine, if the protesters agree to post their addresses on the web. Then we can drop by while they’re on the pot.

But we won’t.

We’re too damn polite and we have jobs.

And if you disagree with me, you’re worse than Nir Rosen.

Tonight, a nice group:

Brooke Goldstein!

S.E. Cupp!

Gregg Jarrett!

Plus our segment on our trip to CPAC!