Nothing like a Hollywood film to brush up my days as a Jesuit schoolboy.

Clash of The Titans is a film that has been made twice. Once with Laurence Olivier as Zeus (1981) and the second (2010) with Liam Neeson as the God of Gods.

In all deference to Liam Neeson and his brilliant performance in Schindler’s List, I have seen the Great Olivier on stage and … well … no single actor in the world has so terrified me in a live theater performance.

Zeus’ trump card was terror.

Olivier’s vocal lightening?!

You “had to be there,” of course, but trust me. On stage, in 1963? At the Old Vic Theater? The mere human beings standing next to Olivier as Othello?

The entire acting roster of England’s National Theater were Piper Cubs when seen beside this mighty F117 Stealth Fighter Jet of demonic size, Sir Laurence Olivier.

Olivier as Othello was a lethal weapon on stage, always ahead of his time and his fellow actors when it came to erupting in unpredictably atomic vocal power!

With sound men and editors of film as The Great Leveler, however?

Olivier’s loss, Hollywood’s gain.

Only in Henry V, directed by Olivier himself, can we sense his vocal power in film. The cameras and sound, in long shot over the entire English Army, are cpturing the genius of an artist’s capacity to hurl his voice and his persona beyond even the farthest reaches of The Astrodome.

Returning to the theme of this offering, however, what has “Clash of The Titans” and its Gods to do with The Point Men of the New World Order and the Communist playwright, Bertolt Brecht?

Who has become the God of Gods Enthroned?

And why, in these faithless days, should we even care?

A Syllogism: The Ancient Gods of Greece were to the Greeks what The New World Order Architects are to America and Americans … THEREFORE … hmmm …

Knowing the Eastern Seaboard Bias as I do and being profoundly unimpressed by it, I select the three-headed Cerebus as the Mythic Monster representing a select few within this delirium known as The Progressively Marxist New World Order.

Since, as the Intelligentsia, beginning with Dr. Henry Kissinger, believe: the Progressive New World Order is already a fait accompli and it is now “yesterday’s news,” what compromises must traditional America make in order to not only “fit in” but actually “lead” the New World Order?

That is all part of The Syllogism.

The outcome of this imperious, global design is of major concern to our three, Far Left-leaning wizards: George Soros, Barack Obama and Dr. Henry A. Kissinger.

Don’t let the Doctor’s former association with any criminally compromised Republican President fool you!

Dr. Henry’s “Real Politik” was always, for me at least, code for a Western-style Marxism.

A three-headed Cerberus guarding the gates of The Invisible Medusa.

Who or what could Medusa actually be?!

This article about our Leader, our Enlightened One and his Divine Sense of Privilege has him projecting a Zeus-like Attitude. Somehow a member of the American justice system, a mere district court judge of Florida, and his admonitions directed at The Chosen One, President Barack Obama, are beyond even the contempt of royal insolence.

“Implementation of ObamaCare,” despite Judge Vinson’s opinion of it, will “proceed apace!”

This, I dare say, is beyond bad Presidential form. It again reminds me of The Invisible Medusa behind the doors to hell, so guarded by those three heads of Cerberus: Soros, Obama and Kissinger.

Who or what could this Modern Day Medusa be?!

George Soros obviously thinks it’s himself; yet, Obama and Kissinger know better.

The Harvard know-it-alls have not only dreamed of The Invisible Medusa’s achievements, Dr. Kissinger actually met it, broke bread with The Beast and came back to America to quietly rave about this Master Monster’s wisdom to Norman Mailer.

“The greatest aphrodisiac is power,” was wryly offered to the world by Henry Kissinger.

The Good Doctor is possibly Power’s greatest lover!

Fickle though Power may be, mere mortal minds, such as the three heads of Cerberus, keep faith with their chosen God on Earth.

Who could that God be? Or have been?

Well … George Soros will bow to neither God nor Man nor Son of Man … nor any foolish disciple who doesn’t follow orders.

Barack and Dr. Henry, however, know for certain that even with all of George’s territorial bloodlust, there are memories of The Great Medusa that leave the Sorosian Misadventures look like Child’s Play.

Who or what could this miracle be?

My article on Henry Kissinger, if you stay with it to the end, is a dead giveaway for the answer.

Throw in Anita Dunn’s unforgettable love songs to The Invisible Medusa and, gee, well, Merry Christmas to The Invisible Medusa!

Can this dead legend be so brought back to life that America begins to look like a mere suburb of Chicago?

Why Chicago?

Chicago is the setting for a play by Communist playwright, Bertolt Brecht: In The Jungle of Cities.

It is also, of course, the home town of President Obama.

The two leading protagonists of Brecht’s In The Jungle of Cities, this bizarre metaphor which offers two versions of Communism – Western vs. Oriental – is a Chinaman named Shlink and a Chicago man named George Garga.

The subtitle reads: “the fight between two men in the great city of Chicago”

Garga could have very well been an African-American named Barack Obama and Shlink, I dare say, could have been Brecht’s visionary metaphor for Red China’s ultimate divinity, Mao Zedong.

Mao Zedong in 1927

Mao Zedong, in the year of Jungle of Cities’ first production, 1923, according to Wikipedia:

” … was elected as one of the five commissars of the Central Committee of the Party during the third Congress session. Later that year, Mao returned to Hunan at the instruction of the CPC Central Committee and the Kuomintang Central Committee to organize the Hunan branch of the Kuomintang.[11] In 1924, he was a delegate to the first National Conference of the Kuomintang, where he was elected an Alternate Executive of the Central Committee. In 1924, he became an Executive of the Shanghai branch of the Kuomintang and Secretary of the Organization Department.”

Could the German Communist playwright, Bertolt Brecht, already have learned about this Young Chinese Communist Messiah within China’s Kuomintang Central Committee, Mao Zedong?

Could he have learned, via the Central Committee’s jungle drums, of the eventual Chinese Chairman’s genius?

In The Jungle of Cities, on the simplest level, is about the perversely complex relationship between China’s Shlink and Chicago’s Garga, both being Brecht’s version of Communism’s underground leadership: petty to gangland criminals.

The world around them, Garga’s family particularly, crumbles. The two main combatants, however, seem less interested in their family and friends than in the competition between them. With Brecht’s other early play, Baal, one sees another ego a deux and love affair that ends disastrously as well.

The Communist idea of love as an endless, homicidal competition between Alpha Males?

Hmmm … could Bertolt Brecht, while selling The Party Line, also have been the keenest prophet to also see World Communism’s ultimate demise?

Communism’s inevitable dead end?

The Gods of Greece and Rome

are no longer.


the last remaining God of Communism,

Mao Zedong,

sits in his throne,

rather like Laurence Olivier’s Zeus,

awaiting any head or hair of the dog to unseat Him!


as Bertolt Brecht may have foreseen,

Mao’s would-be heirs,

rather like Medusa herself,

may very well lose a head or two

before the worshippers of another God.

Whether that God be Allah

or Jehovah

remains to be seen.

Both Divinities

are exceedingly older

and more indisputably powerful

than Mao Zedong.


Communists and Communism

cannot give up hope.

The Progressively Marxist New World Order

will face what Communism’s first Chairman,

the French Revolutionary Napoleon Bonaparte,

fell to at Waterloo:

the English-speaking, Judeo-Christian Civilization.


when it comes to Gods enthroned forever,

my money is on Jehovah.

The God of the Old and New Testaments

has already survived at least two thousand years longer

than the God of The Koran.

For me it means

that Jehovah

and His Son

have owned eternity

for quite some time.

As for Marx’s Communist Manifesto,

first published in 1848?

It is hardly the Koran,

let alone the Bible.