Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World! (out today) is not the book I thought it would be. I was expecting a storied narrative simply about a man who stumbles into a career as a political muckraker. What I got was a lesson on the historical framework of how the evils of communism came to the shores of Southern California and now disguises itself as democracy, entertainment, network news and community organizing.

Now I get the part about saving the world.

I first met Andrew Breitbart when he opened the door to his hotel room in Denver; unshaven, barefoot, belt undone and his button up shirt flowing like a bathrobe. Talking on a blackberry, answering emails on his Mac, and looking over a list of topics for the speech he was to give that night at the Independence Institute, he looked up at me and said, “I love that you have a National League stadium here.” If not for my sober state, I could have sworn I’d I walked onto the set of a Coen Brothers film, because it seemed I was in the midst of “The Dude.”

Mr. Breitbart’s fun-size opus so clearly focuses on the lack of civility in the Democratic party and its unholy alliance with the media that parts of the book leaves one feeling dirty after the filthy tarp of bias is removed to expose how the Clintons gave birth to “the politics of personal destruction,” then handed the baby off to the media to raise after the President abused his power and the Oval Office.

The issue to those on the Right wasn’t so much that The President of The United States manipulated a young woman into masturbating with a cigar in the Oval Office. The issue was that The President of The United States lied to a grand jury about it–and if you will lie about having a walking humidor in the Oval Office, you will lie about everything.

The media’s “Rosemary’s Baby” then spoke to the American people in Network coos and Hollywood giggles that when translated all said the same thing: “It’s just sex, everyone does it. Here, look what our donor pornographer Larry Flint and a bunch of Private-Dicks found out about Republican penis in DC.”

Righteous Indignation is a history map of how we got a media so corrupt and one-sided, who started it, who funds it, and how people like Arianna Huffington will change their whole world view on a dime just to be invited to the party. But more importantly, Mr. Breitbart’s book does something most books about culture and politics don’t — it tells us how to go about defeating the Democratic-Media Complex.

Mr. Breitbart points out that Hollywood is more important than Washington; taking the fight into the octagon of pop-culture is more effective than shadow boxing up the steps of D.C. to get a billed signed because popular culture is where the narrative is set. The Right may own the facts, but with the networks and Hollywood in their corner, the Left wrestles the facts away and never lets the truth get in the way of a good story. Mr. Breitbart points to a perfect example of this; Clarence Thomas received a “high-tech lynching” for supposedly mentioning a pubic hair on a Coke can while Clinton got a pass in the media for sexual harassment in the workplace.

The book begins like a novella of Animal House written by Carl Hiaasen, covering Mr. Breitbart’s early days; bad grades, heavy drinking, gambling, girl chasing and working as delivery boy in a car with only an AM radio; where his transformation from feeling like a liberal to thinking like a conservative began. It’s only after his conversion at the hands of Rush Limbaugh that the nonsense ended, because Mr. Breitbart is at war with the Democrat-Media Complex.

He’s not looking to the UN or France for help, and he’s not “The Dude,” he is Neo looking for regime change in a biased Matrix.