***UPDATE for the humor-impaired: Some hyper-alert political opponents have noticed that I make reference to Birth of a Nation in this article, and have suggested that I am denigrating the American Military. I actually meant that Hollywood has always loved the last minute rescue, regardless of who it was riding over the horizon. (Most often, it was the Aryan White Cowboys rescuing frontier maidens from Jews dressed up like Native Americans). I did not mean to compare that ridiculous scene in an offensive silent movie to our brave men (and I hope at least one women sharpshooter) who gave Usama his 72. — TS

It is a strange turn in American history. Fueled in part by an administration that has given his supporters little to cheer about since November of 2008, there is suddenly an appreciation of the American Military in Left-wing outposts like Hollywood and Washington DC. It is a moment unparalleled. The news of Usama’s death was greeted by cheering throngs of bureaucrats filling Pennsylvania Avenue, ecstatic that Hope finally got something right. As details about Usama bin Laden’s compound leak out, even the most strident Liberals in Hollywood can get on board, since it has now been revealed that Usama burned his garbage on site, rather than recycling.

Even more peculiar, The Internets are all a twitter about a movie depicting the killing of Usama bin Laden. There is no doubt in my mind that at least several of these films will be made. In fact, the White House has already scripted the crucial moment, the big scene when His fist comes down on the desk and He demands the mission be launched in the most mannish voice he can muster: “It’s A Go”

Of course, the sixteen hours he took to sleep on it, will probably be deleted by Hollywood. Maybe it might be rewritten to include a scene where he goes off into the White House Garden and prays for guidance, while his advisors did the sleeping.

Since the passing of John Wayne, Hollywood has found it difficult to make any heroic war pictures. Most of the pictures since “The Green Berets” have portrayed the American troops as either the bad guys, mentally ill, or both. Even in the great WWII tributes by Tom Hanks, American soldiers were depicted more as crying boys, than heroic men.

Modern Hollywood prefers anti-heroes. In order for them to depict a real hero, he has to wear a mask, a cape, and his underwear on the outside of his pants. (And most often, have a touch of mental illness.) But I suspect something different will now happen. The men of SEAL Team 6 will be treated as genuine heroes in the mold of John Wayne. (Pardon my sexism, I don’t think there are any women in SEAL Team 6 — although my fondest hope is the last thing Usama saw was an unveiled woman looking down that barrel, a woman with an education and a driver’s license.)

The prime motivator for making these films is just around the corner. There is a need to keep these images fresh in the conscience of America for the remainder of His term, and a sincere hope that “It’s A Go” will become the “Yes We Can” of 2012. Expect most of these films to be released 60 days before November 2012. (And much like the downplayed enhanced interrogations that led to the mission, don’t expect the Left to credit Citizens United v. FEC for that window.)

It is the kind of rescue scene that Hollywood has adored since “Birth of a Nation.” Just as the evil Republicans are about to take over Washington, SEAL Team 6 rides over the horizon in a formation of helicopters to save the Presidency from it’s own incompetence.

Mr. Spielberg, line one…