
Rachel Maddow’s closing remarks in this segment are nothing short of obscene:

“We asked [Huckabee’s production company] today who had done the animation on these DVDs. They would not tell us. If you know who brought this amazing animated sauce to life, please get in touch with us. We would like to know.”

Maddow might couch her unholy request in that chirpy, kindergarten teacher voice, but the venom is 100% pure. The hypocrisy, however, is 150%.

Read the quote again closely. Maddow already knows the name of the production company, but right after decrying the Hollywood blacklist of the 1950s, she demands the production company — wait for it, wait for it — name names. And because they refuse to name names, Maddow then weaponizes her own audience to witchunt up those names on her behalf.


For the same reason there was a blacklist in the 1950s. No one did anything illegal or improper here, Maddow simply disagrees with the politics of the art and in the hopes of toxifying and/or putting a stop to it has apparently decided to make a MSNBC show trial out of dunking the creators in water to see if they can acquit themselves by drowning.

Our friends at NewsBusters sum this up well:

In notoriously liberal Hollywood, being outed as Mike Huckabee’s animator could have bad career consequences. Ironic, no, that Maddow was enlisting her viewers in such an outing just seconds after decrying the way people exposed during the McCarthy hearings “never worked again.”

A reader also helped NewsBusters bust the MSNBC Rhode Scholar on her revisionist history:

“[H]er history is BUNK. McCarthy had nothing to do with the Hollywood hearings. That was HUAC. Maddow went on and on about McCarthy calling Hollywood actors to testify. Great hearings, but McCarthy had nothing whatsoever to do with them. He was interested in commies working for the government.”

Mark my words, this is all intentional. Governor Huckabee is using the power of art to reach children and no one understands that power better than the Left. And they want this turf all to themselves. Maddow is intentionally sending a message to the artistic community that if you step off the Liberal Plantation I will Alinsky you — I will personalize this, target you, and make you infamous to any number of future employers.

And in response our corrupt MSM goes, doo-de-do-de-do-doo-do-do… Because they agree with Maddow and her vicious tactics.

NewsBusters has more.