According to Wikipedia…

Weiner and Jon Stewart, of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, were roommates after college; Stewart has contributed to Weiner’s election campaigns and has hosted Weiner on his show.

If this is correct, not only was Jon Stewart a post-college roommate of Anthony Weiner’s, he’s a contributor and supporter.

No worries.

After a short hiatus, America can rejoice in knowing that “The Daily Show” returns to the airwaves again and I, for one, can’t imagine any of the above will get in the way of Stewart’s role as America’s New Murrow and much beloved political satirist.

Confession: I’ve never watched an episode of the “Daily Show” before. My concern revolves around how the MSM uses Stewart’s antics to further or create their own narratives. So, unless the media was amplifying his clips, I could care less. But not tonight, baby!

The popcorn’s popping and….

…I’m readying myself for a steady barrage of clever Weiner jokes unlike the word has ever seen before.

Oh, the faces Jon Stewart will make.

*rubs hands together in childish anticipation*

This is gunna be so awesome!

*clenches fists, rolls head back, laughs maniacally*
