Latest strategy: x-ray Bachmann’s ass to prove it’s real.

Comedians are free to joke about what they want, but does anyone else find it creepy that David Letterman, of all people, is making sexual jokes about a sitting congresswoman? After all, it was just two years ago that we learned Letterman had been bedding members of his staff in a secret bedroom above the Ed Sullivan Theater. I’m not really sure why anyone would find this x-ray line funny in the first place (though I get what he intended), but even if they did, doesn’t the fact that it emanated from Letterman’s pervy mouth turn the “ewww” factor up just a little too high?

Letterman has the aura of a misogynist FM radio shock jock–the type of guy you wouldn’t want near your kids–and nothing illustrates this more clearly than a depraved joke about a female public servant who happens to be highly educated and a mother of twenty-eight (including twenty-three foster kids).

And not to sound like a broken record, but how many sexual jokes has Letterman made about Democrats in recent memory?