On July 4th, Declaration Entertainment, our grassroots film-financing company dedicated to making movies that champion traditional American values, celebrated our one year anniversary by beginning pre-production on our first feature-film, “The Arroyo”.


Readers of Big Hollywood have been a giant part of what has allowed Declaration Entertainment to gain momentum this year, and so we put together this behind-the-scenes glimpse at one of our action sequences just for you.

“The Arroyo” centers around the lawlessness on the southern American border and one man’s attempt to defend his land and his family when the government simply won’t live up to its obligation. It is an inherently conservative story about rugged individualism and personal honor, but more than anything it is an entertaining, action packed modern western.

At least, we hope it’s entertaining. Honestly, it’s a little early to tell. We’re having a heck of a time putting it together, but in fairness, we’re all so dehydrated, sun-baked, and exhausted that it doesn’t take much to entertain us at the moment.

Let us know what you think and take a look at a few of our other behind-the-scenes adventures (and of course our Bill Whittle FIREWALL videos) over at DeclarationEntertianment.com, and if you haven’t already, consider becoming a Citizen Producer and helping us continue in our quest to make the movies Hollywood simply will not make.