The Bloomberg terms for this year’s 9/11 Memorial are not only wrong, they are spiritually, metaphysically and, even in Karl Marx’s terms, dialectically “unbalanced”. Bloomberg is courting an even worse disaster than 9/11.

To bear false witness against God, of all defendants, to blame Him for 9/11, branding Him and his representatives as persona non grata without a full trial is literally demanding God’s complete abandonment of New York City.

Is preventing clergy from participating in the 9/11 Memorial excluding God Himself?



Try excluding a single State’s representative, Senator and/or House member, from a Congressional Ceremony Honoring Abraham Lincoln.

Try it, and may God have mercy on you.

The Almighty, if you haven’t noticed, runs a Democracy as well or better than Washington does.

God has also been known to take sides in American Wars.

Particularly the domestic wars of her Revolution and the nightmares of 1860-65.

God’s senators and diplomats, from varying points of view, from priest to rabbi to mullah, are indeed and undeniably representative of something in the human spirit if not in the Universe.

Bloomberg’s decision is beyond courting disaster. The Bloomberg policy, a la Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is exploiting a crisis, “not letting it go to waste”, for the savage political ends of a Progressive New World Order.

And, of course, “brownie points” with a radically Marxist President of the United States.

The Progressive New World Order being advertised by four consecutive American Presidents, from George H. W. Bush through Clinton, Bush Jr. and The Barack Hussein Obama Nation grows increasingly insensitive and insanely dismissive of more than American religious congregations.

They have dismissed America.


They have considered the New World Order a fait accompli. A done-deal!

Is the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony’s protocol being set by Mayor Bloomberg or by its star guest, President Barack Obama?

Since when should known apologists for Islam, Bloomberg and Obama, set the rules for an event that honors the victims of Radical Islam? This is well beyond salt in the wounds of survivors. It’s an impudence that not even a sane atheist could endure let alone God.

Ever since an ostensibly “Independent”, New York City Mayor Bloomberg decided that his decisions must obey the Obama Spin Doctors, the greatest city in the world has increasingly become the world’s most self-deluded mad-house.

I left New York when that city treated me and my battle with Attorney General Janet Reno as if I were the crazy one. There were not in the least interested in the unconstitutional behavior of their highest ranking law enforcement officer.

Now Gotham has a Mayor Bloomberg so out of touch with decent, common sense that I can justifiably diagnose New York as psychiatrically beyond “borderline”.

New York is literally suicidal, addicted to a drug called The Progressive New World Order.

The Progressive New World Order, I am certain, will never, ever become a major reality of any kind within this continent. The illusions and delusions of a New World Order may inhabit most of the five boroughs of New York and much of California. The rest of the North American continent, including Canada, however, is not only in visible disagreement but grows increasingly belligerent about North American Sovereignty.

New York has now become the twisted mirror image of California.

If you want a glimpse of the New World Order, try California and New York.

The economic situation of that real estate is merely openers to the bloody soap opera that will ensue. As the major watering holes for not only the Mainstream Media but American entertainment, New York and California happily re-indoctrinate each other in the worst of French ego a deux, or psychotic couplings such as Bonnie and Clyde.

The Bonnie and Clyde of Hollywood and New York City take their television joy rides through American living rooms 24 hours a day. Yet America said, “The thrill is gone” with the 2010 elections.

Oh, as for the title of this piece: The Twisted Mirror Image of California?

Rethink an image of the Twin Towers, just before they went down and the twisting bodies falling into the cement pavement.

That twisted destiny was God’s fault?

Who could possibly buy that accusation?

A New Yorker and a Californian.

May God have mercy on them both.