Not quite.

While it has been a sweet gig for the country music icon, Hank Williams, Jr. is far from singing the Red, White, and Pink Slip Blues, over ESPN’s decision to drop his “All My Rowdy Friends” theme song from their Monday Night Football broadcast in response to a comment he made on Monday morning during his appearance on Fox and Friends. When discussing presidential politics with hosts Steve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, and Brian Kilmeade , Williams expressed his opinion about President Obama and Speaker Boehner playing golf together, stating “It’s like Hitler playing golf with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu “.

How utterly ironic that on this very same day, Andrew Breitbart published photos of President Obama appearing and marching with the New Black Panther Party on the campaign trail for the Presidency in 2007.

Mr. Williams later stated that his “analogy was extreme” but was intended “to make a point.” In his statement he said the following:

I was simply trying to explain how stupid it seemed to me — how ludicrous that pairing was,” he said. “They’re polar opposites and it made no sense. They don’t see eye-to-eye and never will. I have always respected the office of the president.

Every time the media brings up the Tea Party, it’s painted as racist and extremists — but there’s never a backlash — no outrage to those comparisons,” he said. “Working-class people are hurting — and it doesn’t seem like anybody cares. When both sides are high-fiving it on the ninth hole when everybody else is without a job — it makes a whole lot of us angry. Something has to change. The policies have to change.


Conservatives on social networking sites like FaceBook, FreedomTorch (the conservative alternative to FaceBook), and Twitter have reacted strongly to ESPN’s action and have vowed to boycott Monday Night Football to show their support.

Interestingly, I just went to the Hank Williams, Jr. Group at FaceBook to grab the link for this article and this is what I saw:

This group is scheduled to be archived

Over the next few months, Facebook will be archiving all groups created using the old groups format. When this group is archived, its wall posts, photos and discussion threads will move to the new groups format, but group members will need to be re-added.

Coincidence? Doubt it. With all the changes taking place at FaceBook lately, making it more cumbersome to share information and network with fellow conservatives; the recent $38,500 per plate fundraiser dinner for President Obama at FaceBook’s Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg’s home; and the recent announcement about their forming a Political Action Committee, is there any question about which party they support with the money they make from our patronage?


While there are those on the right vowing to boycott ESPN’s Monday Night Football, I can’t help but think that will be short-lived and it occurred to me that another way we can show our support to Mr. Williams is to help boost his sales in his music. What better song than his politically-charged, Red, White, and Pink Slip Blues, co-written by one of our BigDawg’ers, Bud Tower? This song peaked at #43 on the Country Singles chart, which comes as no surprise as Music Row is saturated with left-leaning record execs and radio stations owners. Wouldn’t it be a bit of poetic justice to see it go to #1 on iTunes?

Just sayin’.