Is there anything more racist than questioning the very “blackness” of a black person? What could be more demeaning and insulting and bigoted than implying– no, not implying — saying outright that Herman Cain is “white” or “whiter” on the inside? It’s a deliberate attack on Cain’s very identity, who he is as a man, and it questions his authenticity as a human being.

There’s another word that was designed to have the exact same effect, and it starts with an “N.”


As we’ve seen before, George Lopez is not a good person. He’s some kind of self-appointed, fascist racial-enforcer who will decide who is and isn’t “minority” enough. And of course, it’s all based on partisan politics, disguised as “comedy,” and used to palace guard for Obama.

American comedians used to mock The Man. Today, too many of them are The Man’s primary enforcers.


LOPEZ: By the way, this couch has diversity for the show, by the way. All right?

KILMEADE: That’s it-

LOPEZ: (Carlson laughs) So you’re done for the year

KILMEADE: What do we do when you leave?

LOPEZ: You’re done for the year. Herman Cain (unintelligible)- and Herman Cain- it’s funny, the Republicans do know that he’s darker than Barack Obama- maybe- but whiter on the inside.

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