The New York Times piece Lee refers to here is the most appalling piece of race-baiting I’ve read in years. You can read my write-up about it at Big Journalism. The reaction the Times was looking for is exactly this kind of thing from Spike Lee. They want high-profile, left-wing black Americans to take after Herman Cain. They want to toxify him as a sell-out in order to hurt his standing among black voters. The Times also wants to make damn sure Tea Party Republicans get no credit for embracing a black man. That would kill a cherished narrative the corrupt MSM has spent two years creating about us being racist.

The Times thinking is simple: racists love “minstrelsy” Black people, so by portraying Cain as such, the dishonest narrative that the Tea Party is racist lives on… in spite of Cain being our guy.

The price black people pay for being free thinkers in this country is a very, very cruel one.

Ask Clarence Thomas.