Keep in mind that all this hoopla, phony outrage, and McCarthyism is over the following:

“Rehearsal is for fags.”

And now, because artistic freedom is dead in Hollywood, Brett Ratner is going to get the Tracy Morgan treatment — a THREE YEAR re-education tour:

Following meetings with GLAAD as well as outrage from community members and allies, Ratner issued an apology and today resigned as producer of the 84yth Annual Academy Awards. GLAAD and Ratner are working to convene public discussions featuring leaders in the entertainment industry about promoting fair and accurate inclusions of LGBT people and stories. The discussions will address anti-LGBT jokes and slurs in films and on television today as well as their trickle-down effect into popular culture. The first event will take place in coming weeks with additional discussions to take place over the next three years. Additional details to follow.

“When we sat down with Brett today, he seemed very sincere in his desire to use this experience as a way to begin speaking out against anti-gay language in popular culture,” said Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs and Communications at GLAAD. “We believe his resignation is just the first step and will be announcing a series of concrete actions with Brett in coming days and weeks.”

Actually, this is McCarthyism on steroids. During the witch hunts of the 1950s, at least some fought back and spoke out, but today no one in the industry has the courage to to even squeak in protest. They’re either silent or on board. And someday, if this great Republic of ours survives long enough, honest people will write the history of this era of Hollywood and it will be covered in shame.

Like I said yesterday, this fascistic push has nothing to do with sensitivity or anti-gay bullying or concern for others. Every day, Hollywood defames and roars with bigoted pride against Christians, conservatives and Southerners. This isn’t about bigotry; this is about control.

And it should also be said that contrary to what some of you post in the comments, this has nothing to do with “the gays.” It’s not “the gays” going on a fascist rampage in Hollywood today, it’s “the left.” Don’t fall into that trap. The left always finds wedges and uses them to divide us in furtherance of their sinister goal to take over our lives and control our speech and thought. Not everyone at the Ministry of Truth we call GLAAD is homosexual, and you can bet that not everyone cheering this on is either.

What they all are, however, is leftists. And trust me, they are not offended in the least over what Ratner said. They loved that he said it, because they love any opportunity to bully and terrorize and throw their weight around.

Gay or straight, doesn’t matter. These are bad people. Period.

Almost every day, Hollywood pisses me off with the insults and stereotypes they hurl against who I am and what I hold dear. But the thought of calling for someone to be fired and/or humiliated on some creepy re-education tour– man alive, these are bad people.