It is splendid how Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom of Speech” is not only a double-edged sword but a spear-studded cannonball for world freedom as well.

The Politico-inspired loud-mouthing about Herman Cain’s apparent indiscretion – or perhaps his avuncular bonhomie toward a malevolently ambitious female – the accusations hurled at the presidential candidate have backfired!

It highlights the beauty of freedom of speech.

Yes, we in America also have the freedom to lie and to maliciously exaggerate. However, the court of public opinion in American democracy will decide whether or not accusations are justified or merely the product of greedy but increasingly frightened political ambitions.

Justice Clarence Thomas was the first-such target of left-wing, railroading, character-assassinating, Beltway connivances. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

In fact, American freedom of speech may have handed our next President, Herman Cain, the American liberty which Marxist ideologues will forever be choking on. They, the American progressive useful idiots, have patronized their own dwindling constituency, “liberated” them into the Occupy Wall Street self-indulgences, leaving these spoiled, perennial sophomores doing real sexual damage to one another.

It’s Woodstock Redux without the star-studded performances.

The image I see is an orgy of lemmings, willing victims traipsing behind their Pied Piper, President Obama, right off the cliff of common sense. Whether it is economic common sense or sexual common sense, the American left prove themselves the “useful idiots” of a very alive Communist New World Order.

The greatest of useful idiots has been William Clinton. He himself faced the repercussions of his own White House taste of Woodstock

Redux with Monica Lewinsky. No, those two weren’t lying on the grass of a farm in New York, but the attitude that couple had was obviously Woodstock in the White House.

Oh, no question Clinton and his repeatedly embarrassed wife have been heavily paid off by a Democrat Party that gave them the White House for eight years. However, now that a more hard-line Barack Obama has usurped the Democrat Party’s throne, we see what “useful idiots” the Clintons have been all along.

When an African-American Conservative, Herman Cain, is within reach of the White House, the Democrats are forced to reach into the bottom of their barrel for political dirty tricks. The American Democrat Party is, in and of itself, an orgy of lemmings.

How would I know?

I used to be a Democrat–a New York Democrat, of all things. No greater “useful idiot” exists now than Manhattan’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg who continues to allow OWS Lemmings into Zuccotti Park until, of course, his “useful idiocy” becomes self-evident to the entire world.

The informed call it “enabling an addiction.” What is this orgy of lemmings addicted to? Both the economic and sexual delusions which the American left has fed them. The delusions: a bottomless supply of money and bottomless sexual freedom.

Who are most susceptible to believing these fantasies?

The idealistic young, the Woodstock hippies, and the Zuccotti lemmings. American youth are increasingly wed to the growing popularity of anarchy as the political philosophy of a so-called Inevitable Future.

A former friend of mine, one of England’s intellectual elite, claims he is an “Anarchic Syndicalist!” How multi-layered of him! How in touch with the times of both London and New York! Meanwhile, the leaders of World Communism, who are not Anarchic Syndicalists, see the Anarchizing of America as a major first step to communizing the entire human race. A tyrant cannot “clench his fist” nor “put his foot down” in a democracy until a nation is in a state of “anarchy”!

Meanwhile, Cain is here to “bring American home again!” That he is a black American conservative is precisely the heart of God’s Plan.

That Jon Stewart and other leftist comedians should be piling ridicule on the back of Herman Cain is the obligatory trek up a symbolic Mt. Calvary. Many “Progressives” and Perryistas are already planning humiliating wakes for the presidential candidate’s hopes.

There is, however, “Resurrection.” The assaults on Cain have only solidified his support and possibly added many admirers from the independent corners of America.

All know that every President in history has faced trying times in their own, private White Houses. Cain’s composure and grace throughout these challenging days in his campaign will be solid evidence for his strength and endurance.

I personally believe he can’t be stopped, not after his appearance at the National Press Club. Cain is, in my opinion, an American black conservative with a much finer, more natural singing voice than the black American Communist Paul Robeson. There is nothing the least bit pretentious about his undeniable talents.

The black conservative movement in the United States, with the likes of Cain, Allen West and Thomas Sowell, is a trinity of power that will not only lead America out of her very white, self-indulgent, Woodstock/Zuccotti Park enable-ings – greatly inspired by the African-American President, Barack Obama – but will create a life-adoring, rainbow family of indomitably American, individually free, world leaders.

Because of eloquently conservative black Americans, the Third World is much less an easy target for World Communism.

Our black Ronald Reagan is here and will be hitting home runs to end the Marxist New World Order vs. American Common Sense World Series. Such a universally important World Series will never be played again. Karl Marx will at last be seen for the intellectual disease he and his tyrannical admirers have virulently spread throughout the free world.

God sent us the antibody for Communism’s Third World: Cain. It is, indeed, Cain vs. Marx. President Cain will gently but firmly, clearly but eloquently, charmingly but inevitably send Marx home–home to the very godless hell from which Marx came.