Current Bond actor Daniel Craig shook headlines this week by blasting the Kardashian Klan in a GQ magazine interview.

Easy targets, to be sure, but Craig’s comments quick went viral. In that same publication Craig also stirring up something far more important than any reality show clan, but it didn’t get the attention it deserved.

The star of “Cowboys & Aliens” talked about the line stars walk when intersecting with the public:

Craig. 43, made the remarks as he opened up about his marriage to Rachel Weisz last June, which the two kept under wraps.

“I think there’s a lot to be said for keeping your own counsel,” he told the magazine.

“It’s not about being afraid to be public with your emotions or about who you are and what you stand for. But if you sell it off it’s gone. You can’t buy it back – you can’t buy your privacy back.

“‘Ooh I want to be alone.’ F*** you!” he said vehemently.

The subject reminds us of two movie stars who excel at keeping their private lives private.

You’ll never see Jack Nicholson swapping stories on Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show” couch. The Oscar winner doesn’t do the talk show circuit even though everyone from David Letterman to Conan O’Brien would kill to quiz him about his legendary career and love life.

Nicholson keeps that part of himself out of the public sphere, one of many reasons why he’s been an in-demand star for such a long time.

Comedian Adam Sandler isn’t as guarded as Nicholson. But Sandler rarely pops up in the tabloids and routinely refuses to do print press interviews to promote his films. And, in case you hadn’t noticed, they tend to make a killing all the same.

Actors enjoy extra publicity – and cash – when they bare their souls to the public. It’s a lesson those wacky Kardashians learned some time ago. But celebrities open their lives up at the risk of their own personal space and career longevity. Does anyone think we’ll still be talking about Kim Kardashian in five years? But there’s a good chance we’ll be waiting in line for the next Craig film around that time.