Actress Julianne Moore’s new film “Game Change” won’t hit HBO until March 10. But the 51-year-old actress can’t stop talking down her character, Vice Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin.

“Game Change,” based on the 2008 election chronicle by authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, zooms in on Sen. John McCain’s presidential run and his decision to nominate the first female vice presidential candidate in GOP history.

But Moore isn’t feeling any grrl power connection to Palin.

Julianne, 51, told Capitol File magazine: ‘She wasn’t qualified to be vice president. She wasn’t a qualified candidate.

‘I think that became quite evident during the campaign.

‘It was so shocking to me when she resigned the governorship of Alaska when the presidential election was over.

‘I was stunned. I just think that shows such an unbelievable lack of interest in the actual governing.

Actors often find positive things to say about their film characters, even when they happen to be anti-heroes – or worse. But Moore has little good to share about the women who inspired her latest role.