It took long enough. After weeks of chatter about anti-Sarah Palin bias in the HBO movie “Game Change,” former presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) finally attacked the film:

I won’t watch it. I know it’s based on a book that’s totally unfair and untrue, especially to Sarah Palin. I want to repeat if I could my admiration and appreciation for Sarah Palin, she energized our party … she energized more people than I did. She’s a good and decent person and this continuing maligning of her by the liberal left is reprehensible to me.

McCain actually ranted at the film – a surprising turn after McCain’s top advisers continually blamed Palin for the McCain/Palin loss in 2008. He continued:

You’ve gotten your revenge, you won. I say that to the liberal left. You won. Can’t you at least give her some respect, a person who ran hard, who did what she believes in, who energized our Republican base, instead of trying to continue to malign her, a good and decent family person and someone who I will always appreciate?

And it didn’t stop there. McCain even went after the book on which the film was based, and the author – Mark Halperin – personally:

You know something, this guy — he might as well have been a paid member of the Obama election campaign if you look at his coverage … he still is, he still is, he still is, I’m not making it up.

There is a problem with McCain’s critique: his statement that he hasn’t watched the film and won’t watch it gives HBO wiggle room to claim that critics haven’t seen the film. But we have. And it’s egregious. It would behoove Senator McCain to watch the film and then critique it – if simply out of loyalty to a running mate who helped him avoid an even more crushing defeat.