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Nation! First Lady will appear on The Colbert Report on Wednesday, April 11. Tune in at 11:30pm / 10:30c.

Quite the media blitz the First Lady and the President have been on lately.

You would think that if the First Lady wanted to reach a sizable audience, though, she would do a guest spot on a program that gets more viewers like “Pawn Stars” or a cartoon rerun on Nickelodeon or something on cable access.

Well, Colbert is a true-blue friend to the Barack Obama re-election campaign and a fellow crusader in the left’s movement to limit political speech, so this might be a nice form of payback to give the low-rated Colbert Report a one-day ratings boost.

This also gives the First Lady the opportunity to personally thank Colbert for being such a leader in the White House campaign to silence the political opposition.