Did you know that awful, mean Mitt Romney wants to prevent women from accessing birth control?

It must be true. Funny or Die told me so.

The liberal comedy site’s latest video tries to build on the crumbling GOP War on Women meme courtesy of actresses Kate Beckinsale, Andrea Savage and Judy Greer.

Republicans, Get In My Vagina! from Kate Beckinsale

The new clip features a bunch of Republican women saying how they don’t want control of their vaginas. They’re too messy, complicated and hard to control.

The silly, laugh-free material eventually gives way to the Democratic talking points. Republicans, in particular presumptive GOP presidential nominee Romney, want to prevent women from accessing birth control materials. It’s patently false.

Beckinsale, who stars in the upcoming “Total Recall” remake, once said she couldn’t believe anyone would actually admit to being a Republican in the first place. So it’s easy to see why she’d sling false information.

The clip is like a complementary component of President Barack Obama’s already failed “Julia” campaign theme which paints women as helpless without the government’s help.

The actresses in this clip can clearly afford birth control. But scare tactics require a divorce from reality, and that’s the true purpose here.