Actor Steve Guttenberg lined up to vote for then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008 like the vast majority of his peers.

Nearly four years later, the “Three Men and a Baby” star wants to see some results.

Guttenberg, out promoting his new memoir “The Guttenberg Bible,” told that he’s getting tired of watching his friends scrounge for jobs while Obama chats up the ladies on “The View.”

“I voted for Obama, I love Obama, but I don’t want to see Obama on ‘The View,’ I don’t want to see him playing Frisbee, I don’t want to know that it’s $40,000 a plate at George Clooney’s house, and I adore George Clooney.”

“Hey man, I’ve got a friend of mine who’s got a $7 an hour job at Dunkin Donuts and he can’t get a $9 an hour job over at the country club because there are so many people in front of him,” Guttenberg went on.”I believe that the president should be his desk all day. I don’t want to see him on vacation, I don’t want to see him at Martha’s Vineyard, I don’t want to see Mrs. Obama in Spain. No, no, I do not want to see that because everybody’s struggling.”