David Letterman can’t be bothered to poke fun at the man at the helm during the nation’s current economic malaise.

Like most of Letterman’s comedy peers, the late night talker refuses to follow the unofficial rules of comedy – you mock whoever happens to be in the Oval Office at a given time.

Heck, comedians like Chris Rock go out of their way to defend the president rather than use him as stand-up fodder.

But Letterman feels no restrictions when it comes to presumptive GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Letterman, a very wealthy man in his own right, routinely ridicules Romney’s large bank account as if that were some sort of crime.

Last night, Letterman went further, attempting to smear Romney and the GOP in toto with an unfair line about the party’s platform regarding gays.

“Mitt is now promising conservatives,” Letterman said, “that if he is elected – because conservatives don’t think Mitt’s conservative enough – he’s promising conservatives if Mitt is elected, he will put Anderson Cooper back in the closet.”