Bill Maher is in a bragging mood these days.

The liberal comedian, whose HBO series “Real Time with Bill Maher” returns with fresh episodes tonight, tells Politico he won’t apologize for his hard-hitting jokes.

He doesn’t have to serve up any mea culpas, frankly. No matter how many outrageous things come out of his mouth, such as insulting the Down syndrome child of Sarah Palin, the media won’t force him to apologize for his offensive material.

They’re all on the same side of the ideological aisle, so reporters won’t build up a crescendo of media attacks that would force Maher to say he’s sorry.

That means the comedian’s latest race-based gag will likely fly under the Liberal Thought Police radar, too.

About Obama, he told POLITICO: “In many ways — especially for progressives — [Obama] is too white for them. He plays golf, he’s too cozy with bankers. But when it comes to knowing how to fight, he’s black” — referring to the tough campaign Obama is running against the Republicans.