Yesterday was the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, and on that day President Obama snubbed Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but did agree to appear on David Letterman’s show.


Now we’re learning that yesterday, you know, on 9/11, MTV confirmed that although Obama can’t find time to meet with Netanyahu, he has found time to attend a fundraiser with Jay-Z and Beyonce:

Entertainment Weekly confirmed Tuesday (September 11) that Hov and wife Beyoncé will host a fundraiser for President Obama at the rapper’s 40/40 Club in Manhattan next Tuesday. The president will be in attendance at the 100-guest event, with ticket prices hitting $40,000 per guest. Reportedly, it will be Obama’s last fundraising event in New York City before the November 6 election.

Maybe if Netanyahu changed his name to The “Pimp with the Limp,” Obama might find some time for him.


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