NBC tells the AP that two days after the final presidential debate and less than two weeks before the November 6th election, President Barack Obama will be making his fifth appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.”

Obama is still smarting from a gaffe-filled interview with “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” where the President screwed up an opportunity to grab the lifeline that Stewart gave him. Stewart tried to frame the Benghazi killings in a way that would help the president, saying the post-Benghazi response was “not optimal.”

Instead, Obama coldly stated, “If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.” One has to wonder if the Community Organizer-in-Chief can handle even a softball interview with the likes of Leno.

It should also be noted that Chris Wallace, the host of Fox News Channel’s Fox News Sunday, is still waiting for his first interview with Obama since he took office almost four years ago. Perhaps Wallace will be granted Obama’s first interview as a former president?