Jim Carrey is suddenly singing, “can’t we all just get along?”

The rubbery-limbed comic of Ace Ventura fame has spent weeks demonizing those who don’t support stringent new gun control laws.

Now, courtesy of an op-ed posted at The Huffington Post, Carrey wants to dial down the volume on the gun control debate.

I have been aghast at the level of hatred heaped upon me, my family and the people I work with over a mere difference of opinion on this issue. Perhaps my words were a bit harsh at the onset, but calling someone a “Motherfucker” is far different than wishing them to die. It is shocking to see this concerted effort to brutally intimidate anyone who speaks of a compassionate compromise.

To paraphrase the late Andrew Breitbart, explaining why he attacked the media so relentlessly, you started it, funny man.

Carrey called gun rights supporters “heartless motherfuckers.” He used his media pals to promote a song attacking a dead man, actor Charlton Heston, who obviously cannot defend himself. He savaged Fox News, an outlet which dares to add conservative voices to the media mix.

Yes, your words were a bit harsh at the outset.

Frankly, it appears Carrey is most upset that he’s being challenged, that his incendiary comments can not only be answered by ordinary citizens but amplified by New Media outlets.

He’ll probably be angry all over again when his upcoming film, Kick Ass 2, pays tribute to the power of unlimited weaponry in the battle against evil. We eagerly await Carrey’s follow-up op-ed explaining his personal role in the country’s so-called zest for violence.