Liberal journalist Jeremy Scahill’s new film, Dirty Wars, assesses the damage he says is being done by the U.S. War on Terror.

Scahill may be firmly on the left, but he’s appalled at how his fellow progressives are giving President Barack Obama a pass on his terror-fighting tactics.

In short, had President George W. Bush mimicked the current Commander in Chief they’d be calling for impeachment proceedings to commence.

[Obama has] expanded an air war in Yemen; Bush bombed Yemen once that we know of,” Scahill said. “Obama shut down the black sites, but he’s using a sort of back door way of continuing it but saying, ‘It’s other nations’ security forces that are doing the snatch and grab; we’re just asking the questions. … I think that a lot of liberals sort of checked their conscience at the coatroom for the two terms of Obama and are silent in the face of things that they’d be crying impeachment over if a Republican had done them.